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Bonsucro and RenovaBio Integration – The Plants

Diante do PL 3149/2020 sempre em paralelo das negociações entre produtores e usineiros a respeito de questões de divisão do CBios e também do Acordo de Cooperação Técnica para desenvolver um procedimento integrado das certificações Bonsucro e RenovaBio, torna-se premente aos usineiros explorar quais podem ser as vantagens advindas da combinação das duas certificações. In this […]

Bonsucro and RenovaBio, Producers Unite

In day 07/05 last, a ANP, within the scope of the RenovaBio program, signed a technical cooperation agreement with Bonsucro, global non-profit organization, which aims to promote sustainable sugar cane. In the extract, the agreement will last for 36 months. This agreement, aims to exchange experiences and knowledge about certifications, join efforts to […]

Unlocking Opportunities: Carbon credit market

Let's explore a crucial topic in combating climate change: the perspectives of the carbon credits market. In this article, we will provide an in-depth understanding of carbon credits and their importance in the fight against climate change. Let's explore how this market works, who are the main players, the benefits and challenges of participating […]

The Role of CBios in the RenovaBio Program

 Advantages of Joining the RenovaBio Program for Companies: The Value of CBIOs The RenovaBio Program, established by Law no. 13.576/2017, has stood out as an important initiative by the Brazilian government to stimulate the production and use of biofuels, in addition to promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The adhesion of companies […]

Importance of RenovaBio

RenovaBio is a Brazilian program that aims to promote the production of advanced biofuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector. First, RenovaBio contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, emit less carbon compared to […]