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Human rights & Value Chain in the Sugar-Energy Sector

This last week, biO3 had the opportunity to hold an event promoted by BonSucro: “Human Rights Training – UN Guiding Principles”. Our director André Araújo opened the event so that speakers Victoriana Gonzaga and Juliana Prado could present their work to the companies that were included in this current cycle of lectures. In this article we will play […]

Bonsucro and RenovaBio Integration – The Plants

Before the PL 3149/2020 always in parallel with negotiations between producers and mill owners regarding CBios division issues and also the Technical Cooperation Agreement to develop an integrated procedure for Bonsucro and RenovaBio certifications, it becomes urgent for plant owners to explore what the advantages may be arising from the combination of the two certifications. In this […]

Bonsucro and RenovaBio, Producers Unite

In day 07/05 last, a ANP, within the scope of the RenovaBio program, signed a technical cooperation agreement with Bonsucro, global non-profit organization, which aims to promote sustainable sugar cane. In the extract, the agreement will last for 36 months. This agreement, aims to exchange experiences and knowledge about certifications, join efforts to […]

A Review of Bonsucro v5.2 – Part 2

In this Bonsucro v5.2 review – Part 2, Let's discuss in some detail the structure of the Bonsucro Production Standard (BPS, in its acronym in English), and some of its criteria and main indicators. Resuming, the BPS has five (5) Principles, twenty (20) criteria and sixty-nine (69) indicators. Each principle has its criteria […]