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Emissions Inventory: How the GHG Protocol Transforms Brazil

No cenário crescente da conscientização ambiental, o GHG Protocol desponta como uma ferramenta essencial para o Brasil. Ao proporcionar um inventário preciso de emissões de gases de efeito estufa, ele não só aumenta a transparência, mas também promove ações estratégicas e eficazes para a redução das emissões. O programa é vital ao Brasil e em […]

CBAM and the European Green Deal

After the Paris Agreement, where the European Union has committed to developing actions that limit the global average temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the European Ecological Pact was signed,, as a goal, sets out some strategies to transform the European Union into a prosperous and carbon-neutral society by 2050, between them […]

Case study – Integrated Stories – Nature and Biodiversity

Let's present a case study, related to TNFD, integrating reports on nature and biodiversity and how to publicize this study. To decide how the organization should respond to material questions related to nature, identified in the LEAP approach, including what to disclose and how to disclose, the identified subjects must follow the following points: Desired results: […]

The TNFD Mission and the LEAP Approach

The Working Group's stated mission is to develop and provide a risk management and disclosure framework for organizations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks., with the ultimate goal of supporting a shift in global financial flows away from environments with negative outcomes and toward […]

GHG Protocol and the GHG Project – Part 2

In this article, let's explore some more concepts of the process involved in a GHG Project, the concept of ESG within organizations and also an overview of ISO 14065 e 14066 that complement the GHG Protocol. The concepts of Level of Trust and Materiality The level of trust is the degree of credibility that […]

GHG Protocol, the GHG Project and ISO Standards

In this article we will explore a little the framework of standards that guide the GHG Protocol and the GHG Project, giving a panel on ISO standards and how they create a regulatory ecosystem that helps and guides Inventory Organizations, Verification and Accreditation Bodies. What is ABNT ISO […]

GHG Protocol – Ciclo 2024 and the Carbon Inventory

growth limits, 1973.

In this article we will briefly talk about the training present in the Cycle 2024 from FGV – EAESP and we will give more details about Carbon Inventories, your specifications, points of attention and challenges. We will also talk about its execution principles and the classification of inventories, depending on its complexity. FGV EAESP and training in this area The Center […]

GHG Protocol – Basic Definitions and Main Points

In this article we will explore the basic definitions and main points of the GHG Protocol, of its main actors and respective responsibilities and also begin detailing the verification processes and requirements, in addition to briefly answering why you should look for this inventory. The Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Protocol Plan (GHG Protocol) was released […]