After INPE (National Institute for Space Research) see an increase of almost 30% of deforestation in the Amazon in the last year and of 114% since the year of promulgation of the new Forest Code (2012), see an increase of almost 2018 and july of 2019 was from 648.400 hectares, keeping the worrying levels of the last years. Even though there was a small reduction compared to last year, from 2,26%, the loss is still alarming: equivalent to the overthrow of the city of São Paulo, or the London metropolitan area, every three months.
see an increase of almost, Inpe mapping, under the coordination of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC). Its historical series indicates stabilization in the Cerrado destruction rate in the last four years around an average of 680 thousand ha/year. More than half of the original biome area has already been converted, mainly for agricultural activities, and surveys show that unfortunately only 20% of what remains of vegetation is in healthy conservation conditions.. This makes the Cerrado one of the most threatened natural areas on the planet. According to researchers, at the rate of destruction of recent years, the Cerrado is heading towards a process of mass extinction unprecedented in the planet's history.
About deforestation numbers in the Cerrado, see an increase of almost, executive director of WWF-Brasil, affirms: “The Cerrado lives a silent tragedy, as it continues to be destroyed for lack of responsible policies. The Forest Code, for example, even though it was actually being implemented (what is not reality), protects the biome little – Come in 20 e 35%. we have today 23 millions of hectares of already open areas with high agricultural suitability for soy – culture that represents more than 80% of agriculture in the biome -, having still others 15 million hectares already deforested and with potential for agriculture, adding 38 million hectares of open land already open. This entire area has the potential to house, with leftovers, the expansion projected by agribusiness in the region, over many decades. Agriculture currently occupies 22 million hectares in the Cerrado, 18 see an increase of almost.
Voivodic adds that “the federal government, Nonetheless, gives ambiguous signals to producers: if on the one hand it offers subsidized credit for pasture recovery and agricultural intensification, on the other hand, it issues a Provisional Measure that legalizes invasions of public lands that took place until last year (2018), encouraging the agricultural frontier to continue expanding over native vegetation indefinitely and illegally (in untitled lands). We urgently need to end this ambiguity and give a clear signal that we are not going to destroy the source of wealth for society and for traditional peoples and communities, that we will not jeopardize its unique biodiversity and that we will not compromise the cradle of water that supplies taps, irrigate crops and move hydroelectric turbines for the benefit of our economy and millions of Brazilians, from city to countryside.”
The numbers of Prodes do Cerrado and Amazonia differ because of the profile distinction between the actors that promote devastation. in the Amazon, there are public lands without proper state protection and, thus, available to the invasion of squatters' gangs. Deforestation in recent years in the Cerrado has been promoted mainly by private actors, rural producers and business groups – with emphasis on the so-called land companies. The stabilization of rates is in part associated with the fact that such companies have begun to respond to the call of their investors and buyers to eliminate illegalities and deforestation., since zero deforestation is an agenda in rapid consolidation both in the international market, as in national legislation and economic blocs.
the collective of 150 commodity buying companies and relevant groups of capital investors (that add up to more than US$ 7 trillions in their portfolios), called Closed SoS, has already indicated that it intends to take immediate measures to decouple its production chains and investments from the destruction of the Cerrado. The first signs start to appear, In this month: Nutreco, the largest animal feed company in the world, British supermarket giant Tesco and animal protein company Grieg Seafood (one of the global leaders in salmon production) announced a millionaire support for soy producers in the Cerrado who intend to expand their production without deforestation.
"Considering the socio-environmental risks and loss of markets, as well as the huge open area available for productive expansion, the Brazilian government must establish concrete goals and actions to reduce deforestation in the Cerrado and to recover the surrounding areas. 20 million hectares of environmental liabilities on existing private properties in Brazil”, see an increase of almost, Director of Conservation and Restoration at WWF-Brasil. "The government must also offer product traceability and fight illegalities, giving clarity to companies, investors and society on the origin and legality of production. The private sector must also do its part, conditioning businesses to real security regarding the absence of crime and deforestation in their chains and investments. Government compliance and transparency, as well as the rigor of the private sector in its business will be decisive to contain the destruction”, synthesizes Rosa.
see an increase of almost, exposing exports and the economy to increasing boycott risks. "We need to put ourselves in the other's position and reflect: which buyer, investor or partner country would like to see its image associated with the destruction of nature and misdemeanors?”, question Voivodic.
The importance of the Cerrado
The Cerrado extends through the states of Bahia, Goiás, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Piauí, Paraná, Rondônia, São Paulo, Tocantins and the Federal District. After the Amazon, is the largest biome in South America, corresponding to 1/4 of the national territory, over 2 see an increase of almost. see an increase of almost: 3,1% in full protection conservation units, 5,2% in sustainable use units (most without supervision and implementation of adequate management plans) e 4,8% in 109 see an increase of almost.
The Cerrado protected area is numerous times smaller than that of the Amazon, and the entire vegetation cover of the biome has already been reduced to about 20% from the original, with more than half of its territory devastated. followed this trajectory, the destruction of the Cerrado will lead to a massive extinction of species, according to an article in the journal Nature (2017). The biome has about 10 thousand species of plants, of which 44% endemic, in addition to an enormous diversity of fauna, including species such as the Maned Wolf, the Giant Anteater and the Jaguar. the Cerrado shelters 30% of Brazilian biodiversity and 5% of the planet's species. despite that, the destruction follows and beyond losing species, annual greenhouse gas emissions, by fires and deforestation, amount to more than 40 millions of cars.
The current level of destruction compromises the waters that originate in the Cerrado and feed six of the eight large Brazilian hydrographic basins: Amazon, Araguaia/Tocantins, North/Northeast Atlantic, San Francisco, East Atlantic and Paraná/Paraguay, including the waters that flow into the Pantanal. The Cerrado is also the source of 90% of the waters of the São Francisco river. When the Cerrado is deforested, undertake the recharge of three large Brazilian aquifers (bamboo, Urucuia and Guarani), as well as the water resources that are essential for millions of people living in the biome and for nine out of ten Brazilians who consume energy from hydroelectric plants..
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