Those who follow news about sustainability may not even be surprised. But, it is exemplary that Costa Rica stands out in Latin America as the leading country in the production of renewable energy.
coming to the end of 2017, have been more than 300 consecutive days using only "clean" fonts.
And it's not the first time that Costa Rica has drawn world attention for power generation. In 2015, the country set a record by passing 76 consecutive days using only renewable sources to supply its entire population, which is an average of five million people. Only two years have passed and the evolution is as great as admirable.
Renewable generation in the country is distributed in five areas: Hydro-electric energy (78%), wind energy (10%), geothermal energy (10%), biomass and solar (1%). And the country appears to be taking seriously its pledge to neutralize its carbon emissions by 2021.
Furthermore, Costa Rica also promises to ban disposable plastics in four years. The measure includes not only plastic bags or water bottles, as well as disposable cutlery and plates, lids and even plastic spoons to stir coffee.
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