INSS Resolution No. 535/2016 was published in the Official Gazette of the Union in 6 from May of 2016.
She approves the Work Accident Manual, in the form of the Annex to that standard, which aims to guide the actions of the Social Security Medical Expertise regarding the analysis of occupational accidents.
The Work Accident Manual will be published in the Service Bulletin and on the INSS Portal, and its updates and subsequent changes will be the object of a Decision by the Worker's Health Director.
Seven Regulatory Standards (NRs) were modified and the changes published in the Official Gazette of the Union, between them: a NR 11 dealing with the transport and handling of materials, a NR 12 which defines preventive measures in the use of machines and equipment of all types, NO 22 which deals with the occupational health and safety of mining and NR 36 which deals with health and safety in the slaughtering and processing of meat and meat products sector..
Changes to the NRs were defined by the Permanent Tripartite Joint Committee (CTPP), coordinated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTPS), by consensus between government, workers and employers.
What changes in the NRs, according to INSS
NO 11 – In the regulation that deals with transport, storage and handling of materials, the entire Annex I was revised, which deals with the technical regulation of procedures for the handling of marble sheets, granite and other rocks.
The then-current Annex, does not include the technological advances recently implemented (like multi-thread looms) by the sector, new solutions developed (like container ovator), it did not discipline minimum workload and content for the training of workers involved in the operations of movement and handling of ornamental stone sheets, nor did it refer to the handling of fractional sheets, frequent in marbles, among others.
NO 12 – Changes in NR 12, which defines measures to prevent occupational accidents and diseases in the use of machinery and equipment in all economic activities, includes the possibility of adopting solutions not yet provided for in the current text for the adaptation of machines, facilitating compliance with the obligations provided for in the standard without reducing the level of safety offered to workers.
NO 22 – In NR, which deals with occupational health and safety in mining, a paragraph will be included dealing with the establishment of a system that allows to know, accurately at any time, the names of all the people who are underground, as well as their likely location..
NO 36 – In the standard that deals with health and safety in the slaughtering and processing of meat and meat products sector, known as NR of Refrigerators, an annex will be added with specific requirements for three types of machines used in the sector: automatic machine for bleaching and removing skin and film, open machine for bleaching and removing skin and membrane and gizzard transfer machine.
NO 28 – Establishes the procedures to be adopted by the labor inspection of Occupational Safety and Medicine, both with regard to granting deadlines to companies and with regard to granting deadlines to companies to correct technical irregularities, as also, with regard to the procedure for citations for violations of Occupational Safety and Health Regulatory Standards.
NO 04 e NO 10 – These are standards that deal with specialized services in safety engineering and in occupational medicine and safety in electrical installations and services, respectively, there were only adjustments in the wording of the standards. On NO 28 on inspection and penalties codes used by labor inspection were updated.
The Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) gives the MTPS the power to establish complementary provisions to articles on health and safety, what is done through the Regulatory Standards (NRs). The standards have the function of establishing safety parameters in sectors, specific equipment and functions, because each profession requires its own care to safeguard the life and physical integrity of the team and third parties..
Permanent Tripartite Joint Committee
The CTPP was established by Ordinance no. 393, from 09 April 1996, with the objective of reviewing or drafting regulations in the area of occupational health and safety and general standards related to working conditions.]
what is INSS
INSS stands for National Institute of Social Security, is an agency of the Ministry of Social Security, directly linked to the Government.
INSS was created in 1988, and has several functions, in particular the retirement contributions of citizens..
The INSS is the body responsible for receiving contributions from individuals, and its function is to make pension payments, sick pay, death pension, accident assistance, and other various benefits provided by law.
Each Brazilian state has the ability to establish its own rules, in relation to social security, creating specific contributions for each.
Social security is an insurance that people contribute during the period they work., and it is the INSS that transfers income to people who do not have other sources of income at the moment, regardless of reason.