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Circular Fashion: The Creative Process Revolution

The Center for Studies in Circular Economy (NEEC Lorena) is an organization for studies and elaboration of solutions for the various productive sectors based on the principles of the circular economy. One of the pillars of the organization is the awareness and expansion of the dissemination of the theme as a form of engagement at scale. For that, the organization launched the #NEECConvida project, an initiative that aims to invite professionals who use the circular economy in their projects and decision-making, or who are helping in the circular transition in their sectors of activity. circular fashion

The first episode of the program featured the sustainable and conscientious fashion specialist, Gabriela Marcondes, and tried to discuss how the circular economy can enhance conscious fashion.

Who is Gabriela Marcondes?

Consultant in Social and Environmental Management of Textile Waste, Creator and CEO of Ecomaterioteca and Coordinator of the 1MM Movement. Fashion Designer with 23 years of professional trajectory in the clothing industry area, Researcher and University Professor with 21 years of academic experience in Fashion Design undergraduate courses at B.H. and postgraduate MBA in Creative Fashion Direction (A- BH).

Gabriela has a Master in Social Management, Education and Local Development by Centro Universitário Una, Belo Horizonte and graduated in Fashion Design from Faculdade Santa Marcelina (FASM), São Paulo. Furthermore, is the author of books and articles related to the theme and has been actively participating in the main events and discussions about fashion, ethics and sustainability.

Circular Fashion in Brazil

The chat was very enriching. Among the subjects dealt with, the Brazilian issue within the fashion market was debated and brought to light some strengths to accelerate the transition within the country.

No brazil, the entire textile production chain is present in the national territory. a positive point, because for a circular transition, material flows being in the same country facilitate the creation of new business models, transitions and creation of new material flows.

Furthermore, another interesting point of the chat was about the direction of fashion. Gabriela highlighted the need for fashion to have a positive impact, transparency, ethics and sustainability. For that, a project that can help in this movement is the Ecomaterioteca. Pioneer and Innovator, it is a collection of national ecomaterials that have great potential to be applied to enhance the sustainable and circular fashion industry.

The full chat with Gabriela Marcondes can be accessed through the video below:

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