It was during World War II that, for the first time, the prerogative of trying to hold the pilot of a fighter to the seat emerged, not just for your safety, but by the imponderable: the speed sometimes ejected it, and the plane got lost. That's where the seat belt came from, today undisputed habit. The gigantic time lag between the creation of the equipment to secure the pilot to the seat and the moment in which our life with the seat belt becomes habitual gives us an approximate dimension of the difficulties in promoting structural changes in habits and customs or, adapting the example to the business level, in forms of management and governance.
Incorporate environmental aspects into a company's decision making, social impacts, scarcity of natural resources or climate risks scarcity of natural resources or, investment and development.
In a first moment, the ecological wave that swept the world led the business sector to adopt a sustainability department to address its impacts in this area, in general in a welfare way, vertical and taxing in the compensation offered to communities impacted by the projects. Today, new business models, like the collaborative economy, for example, have been standing out in the environment of large companies, vanguards in their areas of expertise. This systemic view considers the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the UN as a compass in defining purposes and deciding on investments, through integrated management and a new corporate governance.
A company ready for the future is one in which the sustainability theme is integrated and transversal, running through all areas: financial, legal, board, RH, factory floor, communication and engineering. Thinking about the sustainability of the business from the use of plastic cups to the disposal of waste in the production line â or reuse of water, as well as the balanced hiring of employees, respecting gender equality, breed, age group â is to think with a systemic view, integrated and avant-garde. It's thinking about how to secure the pilot to the seat, 50 years before this action became a common habit.
Along with the main executives of its 60 associates, O Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) has been thinking frequently about how to face the challenges of sustainability. With the scarcity of water resources and climate change affecting investment projections, tying the rider to the seat is more than an innovation, survival or safety instinct. Securing the pilot to the seat generates good business and a guarantee of survival.
Reproduce systemic sustainability models across the value chains of the most diverse sectors, in all segments, and as far as possible, it's not just a daily business mission. We believe that politicians have an essential role in driving the articulation of technological advances and sustainability actions by companies and society, promoting a business environment with adequate regulatory frameworks, providing legal security and promoting public policies capable of giving the necessary scale to good business practices.
We live in times of acute changes. It is necessary to preserve the poorest and most vulnerable from the volatility of the labor market, predict the major disruptive changes that will affect entire sectors of the economy, advancing an agenda focused on inclusive and sustainable innovation and development;, along with all this, promote the use of the concept of sustainability as it happened with the seat belt. As a daily habit, indisputable at the individual level, institutional, business, of the whole society. Without this, we will be ejected from planet earth.
Marina Grossi scarcity of natural resources or Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development, and is the author of this article originally published in newspaper the globe.
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