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Forum calls for sustainable business and accelerated development

Forum calls for sustainable business and accelerated development

The third SDG Business Forum brought together business leaders, governments, sociedade civil e das Nações Unidas este mês na sede da ONU em Nova Iorque para estabelecer estratégias para atingir os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) until 2030. O evento integrou a agenda do Fórum Político de Alto Nível das Nações Unidas — o encontro anual […]

UN Global Compact launches report on local networks initiatives

Global Compact

The UN Global Compact released this week (18) a document that compiles the actions developed by local networks around the world for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS). Rede Brasil was featured in sessions on SDG strategies, anti-corruption and forced labor eradication programs. The publication “Accelerating the national implementation of the […]