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Research develops organic fertilizer from plant biomass

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference

Produced from aboveground biomass (part of the plant that sticks out of the ground) of legume species, N-green is a nitrogen-rich plant organic fertilizer (N) and easy to apply. “It has the essential nutrients for plants: match, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur; and micronutrients, like boron, ferro, manganese, molybdenum and zinc", […]

Young people can guarantee sustainable future of agriculture

of emissions

FAO report highlights youth's potential for economic growth linked to agriculture According to the most recent report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), The World State of Agriculture and Food 2017 (SOFA, in the acronym in english) it is necessary to ensure a mechanism for young people to remain in the countryside. The current projections […]