Bonsucro and RenovaBio Integration – The Plants
Before the PL 3149/2020 always in parallel with negotiations between producers and mill owners regarding CBios division issues and also the Technical Cooperation Agreement to develop an integrated procedure for Bonsucro and RenovaBio certifications, it becomes urgent for plant owners to explore what the advantages may be arising from the combination of the two certifications. In this […]
Bonsucro and RenovaBio, Producers Unite
In day 07/05 last, a ANP, within the scope of the RenovaBio program, signed a technical cooperation agreement with Bonsucro, global non-profit organization, which aims to promote sustainable sugar cane. In the extract, the agreement will last for 36 months. This agreement, aims to exchange experiences and knowledge about certifications, join efforts to […]
The Role of CBios in the RenovaBio Program
Advantages of Joining the RenovaBio Program for Companies: The Value of CBIOs The RenovaBio Program, established by Law no. 13.576/2017, has stood out as an important initiative by the Brazilian government to stimulate the production and use of biofuels, in addition to promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The adhesion of companies […]
RenovaBio: The Largest Decarbonization Program in the World
In day 29 from May of 2023 took place at the Federal University of Lavras, at the gym “RenovaBio: The Largest Decarbonization Program in the World”, taught by Professor Dr.. Rafael Perón Castro, G-Oil Tutor- Study Group on Oleaginous Plants, Vegetable Oils, Fats and Biofuels. In this, the entire history and trajectory of use and distribution was passed on […]
RenovaBio: because the program is so interesting?
Encourage the biofuels sector, meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and ensure predictability, to her 13576/2017 creates the National Biofuels Policy, also called RenovaBio. This new policy helps define a strategy to ensure the strategic role of biofuels, especially when talking about energy security and reducing emissions […]
RenovaBio will link CBios to sustainability in land use
When it comes to reducing greenhouse gases (GEE) for biofuels, the risk of increased deforestation is among the main concerns at the national and international level. Renovabio In the middle of the years 2000, when the first international policies for the production of biofuels began to be developed, there was a great mobilization in the community […]