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What is REDD+?

REDD+ is an incentive developed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for

financially reward developing countries for their results in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, considering the role of conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable forest management and increasing forest carbon stocks (+).


in November of 2013, the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP-19), of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in Warsaw, Poland, had as one of its main results the Warsaw Framework for REDD+.

Marco created, after seven years of negotiation rounds, an international architecture to provide financial incentives to developing countries that are implementing REDD+ policies.

Through this instrument, developing countries that have their REDD+ results (reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and increased forest carbon stocks) will be eligible to receive "payments for results".

Such results must be verified by experts appointed by the Secretariat of the Framework Convention. Learn more about the measurement process, reporting and verification (MRV) for REDD + by the UNFCCC

Incentive Architecture

The main innovation of this international financing instrument is the payment by results or performance, this is, the transfer of resources to developing countries based on results already achieved. Payments are made for mitigation results, measured in tons of CO2 equivalent, against a reference level previously defined and assessed by the UNFCCC. Performance must be anchored in the implementation of actions aimed at reducing, stop or reverse deforestation. Unlike the project approach, the approach is national, the presentation of the results is the responsibility of the member countries of the Convention.


The developing country presents to the UNFCCC all the elements to obtain recognition of its REDD+ results. Once the process is completed, REDD+ results measured in tCO2e will be entered into the Lima Information Hub. The country is then able to raise funds from payments by results. Payments will be made by various international sources, in particular the Green Climate Fund (GCF, in the acronym in english). Payments are made for results achieved ex-ante. The distribution of benefits therefore follows nationally defined rules. There are no rules and/or requirements regarding the use of this resource since the payment was made for actions performed in the past.

Understand how recognition of REDD+ results works

Elements needed to recognize REDD+ results:

  • National Strategy for REDD+;
  • National Forest Emissions Reference Level or Forest Reference Level (Where, as an interim measure, the corresponding subnational levels);
  • Robust and transparent national system for forest monitoring and reporting on REDD+ activities (Where, if appropriate, monitoring and reporting at the subnational level as an interim measure);
  • Information system on how REDD+ safeguards are being implemented and respected, with respect to national sovereignty.

Elements of the National REDD+ Strategy

  • Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation;
  • land issues;
  • Forest governance issues;
  • Gender considerations and safeguards.

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