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ABNT PR 2030 / ESG – A path to Sustainability

In this article we will highlight ABNT PR 2030 / ESG, standard that details ESG implementation strategies in organizations.

Regardless of the company’s stage of maturity, of the size, sector or constitution it is possible to enter into environmental sustainability processes, social and organizational proposed by the concept of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). The ABNT PR standard 2030 / ESG is a model that allows organizations, identify their stage of evolution in relation to these criteria.

This standard proposes a predefined itinerary, with a five-step ladder of awareness and achievement level and three main axes (environmental, social and governance) with themes, evolution goals and criteria to be achieved.

The Five Steps:

Internship 01 ELEMENTARY – Restricted to compliance with legislation and regulatory requirements, and/or treats the topic in an incipient way.

Internship 02 NOT INTEGRATED – Dispersed practices, not yet satisfactorily integrated with management.

Internship 03 MANAGEMENT – Addresses the topic by establishing structured processes, control and improvement mechanisms continue to be integrated into the management model.

Internship 04 STRATEGIC – Address the topic, understanding the risks, opportunities and threats related to the business and the value chain), considering them in strategic decision making.

Internship 05 TRANSFORMER – Treats the theme/criteria in a way that influences and catalyzes transformational change, promoting structured engagement with stakeholders and impacted groups.

The Main Axes:

Environmental axis:

Climate changesGreenhouse Gas Mitigation Adaptation to climate change Energy efficiency
Water resourcesWater use Effluent Management
Biodiversity and ecosystem servicesConservation and sustainable use of biodiversity Sustainable use of land
Circular economy and waste managementCircular Economy Waste Management
Environmental management and pollution preventionEnvironmental management Noise pollution prevention (noises and vibrations)

Some examples of Good Practices (GHG Mitigation):

  • Map the main risks and opportunities that may arise from climate change for your business, establishing strategy and risk management, as well as checking associated business and financial resource savings opportunities;
  • Establish a system for measuring and reporting GHG emission levels;
  • Map the materiality of the organization's emission sources and evaluate them in relation to the organization's activities;
  • Carry out an inventory verification audit by an independent and qualified organization;
  • Publicize data and results regarding the achievement of goals and commitments made in the mitigation plan;

Social axis:

Social dialogue and territorial developmentPrivate social investment Stakeholder dialogue and engagement Social impact
Human rightsRespect for human rights Combating forced or compulsory labor Combating child labor
Diversity, equity and inclusionDiversity and equity policies and practices Culture and promotion of inclusion
Work relationships and practicesProfessional development Occupational health and safety Quality of life Freedom of association Remuneration and benefits policy
Promotion of social responsibility in the value chainRelationship with consumers and customers Relationship with suppliers

Some examples of Good Practices (PRIVATE SOCIAL INVESTMENT – ISP)

  • Create a management culture that is conducive to stakeholder engagement;
  • Promote the mapping of relevant stakeholders for the organization and the understanding of their expectations, needs and topics of interest, as the objective of carrying out ISP themes;
  • Establish actions, projects, ISP action programs and policies based on stakeholder needs and the organization's internal culture for stakeholder engagement;
  • Develop ISP program policy, establishing criteria, priorities and goals to be achieved by your actions;
  • Establish the allocation of philanthropic resources or facilitated conditions for businesses with socio-environmental impact (through blended finance mechanisms);

Governance axis:

Corporate governanceStructure and composition of corporate governance Purpose and strategy in relation to sustainability
Business conductCompliance, integrity program and anti-corruption practices Practices to combat unfair competition (antitrust)
Control and management practicesBusiness risk management Internal controls Internal and external audits Legal and regulatory environment Information security management Personal data privacy
Transparency in managementAccountability (accountability) ESG Reports, sustainability and/or integrated reporting

Some examples of Good Practices (ESG REPORTS)

  • To describe, as appropriate, the scope of the ESG approach (pillars) in the organization;
  • Describe the objectives, goals and performance indicators defined by the organization and the degree of service and/or compliance;
  • Highlight the relevance of ESG issues to business strategy and business models;
  • Report ESG themes identified as material in the organization;
  • Inform the applicability of legislation and/or regulations required by the national and/or international markets in which the organization operates, if applicable;

The Path of the ESG Trajectory:

There are several paths to establishing an ESG strategy in an organization, according to the level of maturity, porte, Law Suit, etc. In general, this path involves knowing the internal process and having the intention of establishing the strategy, then diagnose the bottlenecks, plan and implement (materiality phase), without ever failing to measure and measure progress and finally report and communicate changes. The following graph is intended to provide a snapshot of this path:

  1. MAPPING INTERNAL PROCESSES: Process mapping, and practices already adopted, SWOT, principais stakeholders, demands…
  2. DIAGNOSIS: Identification of which practices can be considered ESG and adjustments and proposals for potential practices aligned with risk management, strategies, and organizational size.
  3. ESG STRUCTURE: Definition of a lean, multisectoral internal “team”, possibly with independent external advice, to periodically, to discuss, decide and promote engagement, dissemination and commitment. ESG Committee.
  4. MATERIALITY: Which ESG themes potentially impact the organization, surrounding community, your customers, Providers, employees, shareholders…
  5. OBJECTIVES, GOALS AND INDICATORS: For topics with a relevant impact on both the organization and its stakeholders (materials), set goals, goals and indicators consistent with the organization's financial and operational structure and strategies.
  6. TO MONITOR, ENGAGE AND COMMUNICATE: To monitor, engage and communicate goal results continuously, public, transparent and traceable.

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