Continuing the work of updating the principles of the Bonsucro Production Standard, we will now present the main updates in the Principles 3, 4 e 5.
Principle 3: Manage input efficiency, of production and processing to increase sustainability
The updates and requirements reflect the growing awareness of the need to act on climate change and the role the agriculture industry can play in mitigation and adaptation..
- Criterion 3.1: “Monitor production and process efficiency; measure the impacts of production and processing so that improvements can be made over time”. It is assumed that the technical indicators of the standard are relevant for all types of technological models of production of sugar and its derivatives, although, due to lack of baseline studies on the applicability of the standard for non-centrifugal sugar, efficiency indicators may be revised in a future version of the Standard as more information becomes available.
- Criterion 3.2: “Monitor global warming emissions with the aim of minimizing the impacts of climate change”. Guidelines have been developed that define methodologies and expectations regarding compliance with this indicator.
Principle 4: Actively manage biodiversity and ecosystem services
The changes that have taken place express a growing awareness of the importance of biodiversity and SBVs (Ecosystem and Biodiversity Services) for the sustainability of sugarcane production.
- Criterion 4.1: “Protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as maintaining and improving the HCV”. The focus of the item 4.1.1 is the plant operator, and the checker is the maps, with the maps providing the framework for identifying biodiversity/HCV priorities and specific attributes (habitats and species) e, therefore, it is an important resource for the producer to develop/implement his BESMP. BESMP development now falls under item 4.1.2, with producers developing and implementing the BESMP, that takes into account the risks to HCVs. O item 4.1.4 anterior, about maintaining/increasing HCVs in progress has been removed and is now integrated into the 4.1.1 (supply base mapping) e 4.1.2, leading to the implementation of producer BESM.
- Criterion 4.2: “A soil management plan is in place to prevent erosion and maintain and improve soil health.”. Guidelines have been developed that define expectations regarding compliance with this indicator.
- Criterion 4.3: “A water management plan is in place”. Dissolved oxygen measurement and limit set on the indicator 4.3.6.
- Criterion 4.4: “Pest management plans, diseases and weeds are in place and implemented”. Guidelines have been developed that define expectations regarding compliance with this indicator.
- Criterion 4.5: “Ensure that hazardous chemicals and materials do not negatively impact biodiversity and ecosystem services”. The criterion 4.5 was divided into two indicators. Indicator 5.1.1: remains unchanged with an edit to the indicator title focusing on pollution prevention. Indicator 5.2.2: The SRWG decided to include a new indicator on providing training in the correct handling and use of agrochemicals.
Principle 5: Continuously improve other important areas of the business
- Criterion 5.1: “Promote economic and social sustainability”. The standard allows operators to identify their own priorities and targets within their own resources and develop their own implementation plans to achieve the level set out in the indicator.. It is acceptable to use government and research institutions in research, and this should be described in the research plan. biosecurity (biosecurity) is included as part of the research plan.
- Criterion 5.2: “Reduce emissions and effluents and promote recycling of waste streams wherever possible”. Several changes have been made to this criterion to address issues related to feasibility. Progressive implementation of all P5 indicators is included.
- Criterion 5.3: “Train employees and other workers in all areas of their work and develop their general skills”. The SRWG decided to remove the indicator 5.3.2 on vocational training for workers displaced by mechanization and incorporating it into the guidance for the indicator 5.3.1 as an example of vocational training.
- Criterion 5.4: “Continuous improvement of worker well-being”. Unlike the criteria of the other principles, there were no changes in the criteria indicators 5.4.
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