created by the company Gotham Greens in 2015, the largest one-building rooftop farm in the world, is situated on top of a sustainable cosmetics factory, in the Pullman neighborhood, in Chicago.
occupying a space of 7 thousand square meters, your annual harvest is almost 10 millions of all-organic vegetables and herbs, and beyond that, its operation is made entirely by clean and renewable energy. Part of the roof is covered by greenhouses equipped with climate control, making it possible to grow vegetables throughout the year, even with the city's hard winter, with cold winds and heavy snow.
The farm supplies vegetables for more than 200 local establishments, like retail chains and restaurants, the food being available for purchase on the same day it was harvested.
A team of fifty workers maintains the farm, where all vegetables and herbs are grown without pesticides and using, according to the company, “the most sophisticated technologies and the highest standards of environmental sustainability”. The climate-controlled greenhouse environment relies on high-tech equipment to grow up to thirty times larger than a traditional agricultural setting.. The farm still runs one hundred percent on renewable energy, produced using photovoltaic solar panels in the factory parking lot and a huge wind turbine.
The company has built and operates more than 170.000 square feet of technologically advanced urban greenhouses, at four facilities in New York and Chicago. at four facilities in New York and Chicago, since its foundation, in 2009, has been expanding its business to other regions of the country.
at four facilities in New York and Chicago
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