Biodiesel is a biodegradable fuel derived from renewable sources such as vegetable oils and animal fats. to produce it, the oil taken from the plants is mixed with alcohol, or methanol, and then stimulated by a catalyst. Then the oil is separated from the glycerin, used in soap making, and later filtered.
There are different species of oilseeds in Brazil that can be used to produce biodiesel. Among them are the castor bean, the palm, a canola, the sunflower, the peanut, soy and cotton.
To better understand…
The mixture between biodiesel and mineral diesel is known by the letter B, followed by the number that corresponds to the amount of biodiesel in the mixture. For example, if a mixture has 5% biodiesel, is called B5, if have 20% biodiesel, is B20. The use of pure biodiesel is still being tested, if only biodiesel is used, without mixing with mineral diesel, is called B100.
Brazilian history and production data
Mixing with diesel began in December 2004, and since then it has gone through several modifications in the mix.. in January of 2008, the mandatory mixing of 2% all over the country. This percentage was successively increased until reaching 5% in January of 2010. in july 2014 this percentage rose to 6% and in November of 2014 for 7%.
A new horizon of usage increments was established in March 2016 and until March of 2017 the percentage of mixture in the diesel should be 8%, until March 2018 from 9% and until March of 2019 from 10%. The National Energy Policy Council may increase this percentage up to 15% anytime after march 2019. US United States, for example cars powered with 100% of biodiesel have shown surprising yields.
The production of this biofuel jumped from 69 million liters in 2006 for 2,4 billions of liters in 2010, making Brazil the second largest market in the world, only behind Germany, that has been producing and consuming biodiesel for much longer.
Sales are carried out through public auctions, that offer equal access between suppliers and do not discriminate against the size of the biodiesel producer, ensuring the participation of family farming.
The advantages of using biodiesel
Its advantages are very interesting, as the real possibility of replacing almost all petroleum derivatives without modification to the engines, eliminating oil dependency.
In addition to being naturally less polluting, biodiesel reduces pollutant emissions by about 40%, and its carcinogenic potential is about 94% smaller than petroleum products, It has a high capacity to lubricate machines or engines, reducing possible damage, it's safe to store and transport because it's biodegradable, non toxic, non-explosive, not flammable at room temperature.
Another favorable point is that biodiesel does not contribute to acid rain as it does not contain sulfur in its composition. And it allows to dispense with investments in large plants, or transmission lines, as it also serves as a source of electricity for local service in regions with low demand.
Our vision
We believe that the country's energy matrix needs flexibility, and biomass as an energy source proves that there is technology to change this scenario. In addition to the fact that its application can interfere against energy shortages in certain regions of Brazil.
A clean and renewable energy matrix must be continually pursued, started gradually. Investments in production and technology must continue to be made, so that not only energy efficiency is achieved with the least possible risks to the environment.
We believe. And if you believe and are looking for consultancy services related to this area, contact us.