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ISCC Plus and the Circular Economy

O certificado ISCC Plus é um programa voluntário relacionado com a bioeconomia e a economia circular para alimentos, feed, chemical products, plastics, packaging, têxteis e matérias-primas renováveis ​​obtidas a partir do processo de utilização de fontes de energia renováveis ​​que cobrem os mesmos requisitos da Certificação ISCC UE, mas pode ser adaptada para atender às […]

Vallourec and the ISCC Plus standard

Recently in Vallourec, company in the steel industry with several innovative application areas, developed in Brazil, a pioneer plant in Pompeu (MG). This plant, that works with a unique technology, called Carboval, for charcoal production, vital element for this and other steel industries. One of the elements generated in this production is a Bio-oil, […]

ISCC EU 203 – Traceability and Chain of Custody

In this final stage, we will present a synthesis of the concepts of traceability and chain of custody, We will work on the definition of small producers and how to correctly identify their farms and plantations within the scope of these standards. In addition, we will present a panel on sustainability characteristics for batches of material output in different scenarios.. Definitions Each element of a […]

ISCC and Traceability

When we deal with ISCC certification and the chain of custody, We always have to mention the concept of Traceability. Here in this article we will develop some concepts related to the degree of tracking of each element of the supply chain and some of the documentation that is necessary to obtain it.. Each element of a materials supply chain […]

ISCC and the Chain of Custody

In this article we will explain the general methods and requirements that allow auditing the Chain of Custody, within the scope of the ISCC EU document 203 Traceability and Chain of Custody. Requirements and Methodologies According to RED II, economic operators must demonstrate that sustainability and gas emission reduction criteria with […]