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the National Solid Waste Policy, concepts and assignments

Knowing the National Solid Waste Policy is to understand the concerns of current managers regarding the problems of waste generation, that never had attention before.

For centuries society consumes resources, and this gets worse in the period after the industrial revolution. Although, the concern with the generation of waste emerged recently, because it is becoming a big problem, without correct destinations and proper treatments, and far beyond, without collaboration from the population itself, for lack of basic environmental education.

Thus, know the national combat history, and the new control tools becomes a necessity for anyone.

The National Solid Waste Policy: Brazilian laws and its environmental panorama

According to chapter VI, of the article 225 of the Federal Constitution of 5 of october 1988:

“Everyone is entitled to an ecologically balanced environment, good for common use by the people and essential to a healthy quality of life, imposing on the Public Power and on the community the duty to defend and preserve it for present and future generations.”

Long before this definition, in 1981, under the law 6938, National Environmental Policy was created. in it was contained:

  • the rationalization of land use, underground, of water and air;
  • planning and inspection of the use of environmental resources;
  • the control and zoning of potentially or effectively polluting activities;
  • incentives for the study and research of technologies aimed at the rational use and protection of environmental resources;
  • recovery of degraded areas;
  • environmental education at all levels of education, including community education, aiming to enable her to actively participate in the defense of the environment.

Already in 1998, the law was created 9605/98, which was the first law that criminalized, effectively, conduct harmful to the environment.

currently, many other changes and changes in environmental laws have been taking place. The National Solid Waste Policy is the most recent legislation on the subject, and brings in its guidelines, best practices for achieving national impact reduction targets, with regard to waste.

By maintaining the environmental dimension, the law points out the essence of waste management, which is the minimization of environmental impacts.

At the cultural level, as a novelty of the concept, points to the need to take into account the habits and values ​​of local populations, when defining the methods and procedures to be implemented for solid waste management.

And on a social level, the National Solid Waste Policy also points to the need for social control. It is the first law that recognizes the importance of the waste collector in the country.

The National Solid Waste Plan

The National Solid Waste Plan is valid for an indefinite period and 20 years old, with update every 4 years and will include the minimum content as follows:

  • Diagnosis of the current situation of solid waste;
  • Scenario proposition, including international and macroeconomic trends;
  • reduction targets, reuse, recycling, among others, with a view to reducing the amount of waste and tailings sent for environmentally appropriate final disposal;
  • Targets for the energy use of gases generated in solid waste final disposal units;
  • Goals for the elimination and recovery of landfills, associated with social inclusion and economic emancipation of reusable and recyclable material collectors;
  • Programs, projects and actions to meet the expected goals;
  • Technical standards and conditions for access to federal resources, to obtain your endorsement or to access managed resources, directly or indirectly, by federal entity, when intended for actions and programs of interest to solid waste;
  • Measures to encourage and enable regionalized solid waste management;
  • Guidelines for planning and other solid waste management activities in integrated development regions established by complementary law, as well as for areas of special tourist interest;
  • Rules and guidelines for the final disposal of tailings and, when it fits, waste;
  • Means to be used for control and inspection, nationally, of its implementation and operation, ensured social control.”

Polluter-Payer and Protector-Receiver Principle

The principles used for a payer-polluter are valid for every individual or legal entity in any kind of relationship with the environment., and establishes that anyone who contributes to deteriorating the environment, anyway, must bear the costs of decontamination and restoration of the medium.

The same happens for the protector-receiver, which is that public or private agent that protects a natural asset for the benefit of the community, and for this reason, must receive compensation (or benefits) for the environmental protection service provided.

Shared responsibility

The National Solid Waste Policy defines shared responsibility as the set of individualized and linked attributions of manufacturers, importers, distributors and traders, of consumers and holders of public urban cleaning services and solid waste management, to minimize the volume of solid waste and tailings generated, as well as to reduce the environmental impacts caused to human health, and the environmental quality resulting from the useful life of the products, under this law.

Overview of solid waste generation in the Brazil and its combat

  • Near 78,6 millions of tons of solid waste were generated in 2015;
  • Of these, 29,6 millions of tons were dumped in landfills and controlled landfills;
  • 78 millions of Brazilians, Where 38,5% of the population, does not have access to services of
    treatment and proper disposal of waste;
  • Furthermore, more of 20 millions do not have regular garbage collection, as 10% of the material generated in the cities are not collected.;
  • In 2014 the deadlines determined by the PNRS law have expired;
  • Among 2003 e 2014, the generation of garbage increased 29%, five times the population growth rate for the same period, which was from 6%;
  • The amount of final disposal of waste was virtually unchanged, passing from 57,6%, in 2010, for 58,4% in 2014.
  • Approximately 3334 Brazilian municipalities still dispose of their waste in dumps and
    controlled landfills.

The national panorama is optimistic, if observed by the following environmental legislative updates. And very pessimistic, if we take into account the numbers resulting from the application of these directives in the action plan.

Seeking to reduce waste generation should be the guiding idea of ​​any management plan. In a more real context, efficiently handling all the generated volume is the fastest solution. That is why, technologies and tools are studied and applied daily. Some of these already showing more than satisfactory results. Thus, the National Solid Waste Policy gains importance, as it directs the actions of related parties according to their performance.

In the next post, we will talk about two main areas of action of the public and private sector, and its gains in local to global volume. you reader, stay smart, know ways to become a modifier.

Is that you manager which aims to implement waste management, contact us, schedule a meeting.

References: www.mma.gov.br