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CNM provides guide for Integration of SDGs in Brazilian Municipalities

CNM in partnership with UNDP provided a guide for the integration of SDGs in Brazilian municipalities

Brazil, along with others 192 United Nations member countries, was a signatory and committed to the implementation, until the year of 2030, of a new Sustainable Development Agenda with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (the so-called ODS).

To Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, created in 2015, called on local governments to play a key role in transforming the global agenda into a local reality, in coordination with other levels of government and civil society actors, of Academy, from the private sector, between others.

In 2017, then beginning of the municipal administration that won the election in the interior year, the theme on the construction of smart and sustainable cities was already relevant to the political debate.. Several organizations developed studies related to the topic and one of them was the National Confederation of Brazilian Municipalities (CNM) in partnership with UNDP Brazil.

The guide is intended to help municipal managers to integrate the SDGs to the Brazilian Municipal Plans in the period 2018-2021.

How to apply the guide in local management?

It's no use thinking about these goals in isolation. To advance this agenda, we have to think of it interconnected to municipal management planning.

For example, applying municipal waste management goes beyond selective collection. It encompasses quality education and access to information about the importance of waste management in society and the value they have. The possibility of integrating decentralized energy systems that may arise from the collection of these wastes, impacting on the preservation and conservation of water and land in the region, ensuring that there is intelligent exploitation of resources, in addition to improving the quality of life and interaction between the city and its citizens.. A cycle of constant change and adaptation!

Then, succeeding in one ODS can result in the success of others! But how to apply such a complex plan? It is up to managers to survey the characteristics of the municipality. to plan, from these indicators, what action plans, application steps and monitoring of these actions will be carried out. Always ensuring a good monitoring structure and indicators for project completion.

According to Didier Trebucq, Country Director of the United Nations Development Program in Brazil, “Partnership is the keyword when it comes to great achievements. A project with a planetary dimension cannot be completed without the cooperation of as many people and institutions as possible., at all levels. It is impossible to think and fulfill a global agenda for sustainable development without the involvement of mayors and municipal managers. Thus, we invite everyone to establish with us a collective commitment to a common future.”

The guide for integrating the SDGs in Brazilian municipalities, in full version, can be downloaded clicking here.

Some information cited is referenced in the text itself., and can also be visited on the original site.:
National Confederation of Municipalities, "Guide to Integration of SDGs in Brazilian Municipalities", 2017. Link: www.cnm.org.br
Agenda Platform 2030, "Accelerating transformations for the Agenda 2030 No brazil", 2019. www.agenda2030.com.br

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