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PBE Building: The National Energy Conservation Label

The PBE Edifica labeling is a Brazilian seal of conformity that demonstrates compliance with performance requirements established in technical standards and regulations.

The Brazilian Labeling Program emerged in 1984, with the idea of ​​formulating a national quality and efficiency label. That was when Inmetro began a discussion with society about the creation of performance-focused compliance assessment programs, with the purpose of contributing to the rationalization of energy use in Brazil by providing information on the energy efficiency of equipment available on the national market.

Initially designed for the automotive sector, because of the oil crises that affected the world in the 70, the project was redirected, expanded and named Brazilian Labeling Program (PBE).

The National Energy Conservation Label for Buildings

Depending on the performance criteria evaluated, she gets different names. When the main information is the energy efficiency of the product or building, for example, she is called National Energy Conservation Label (ENCE).

she is called, vehicles and buildings in colored bands, in general, from most efficient to least, on a scale from "A" to “E”, respectively.

The advantages of the PBE Edifica

beyond the dynamism, there is a facility for analyzing energy efficiency in buildings, either by the character of the project, initial or retrofit, or by using reliable simulation tools. The good points don't stop there.

Furthermore, incentive programs like o End, from the BNDES, it's the Energy Efficiency Program, of ANEEL, have exclusive lines of credit that can help you make the necessary changes.

Watch below, the fifth episode of the series, PBE Building “Procel 3E – National Energy Conservation Label - ENCE":

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