The Government of the State of São Paulo, through the Metropolitan Water and Energy Company (EMAE), opened a public call for the choice of companies interested in installing projects for the generation of photovoltaic energy floating in the Billings reservoir, in the capital of São Paulo. Participants must submit technical documents, financial and environmental provided for in the notice.
Proposals will be presented for generation plants with power ranging between 1 megawatt-peak e 30 megawatt-peak at four pre-established locations at Biilings and, after analysis of the documents delivered, EMAE will select the best proposals, with the possibility of implementation by qualified companies.
After completing the necessary procedure with the regulatory bodies, EMAE and future partners may form a Special Purpose Entity – SPE to enable the deployment of floating photovoltaic solar plants, whose produced energy will be sold in Regulated Contracting Environments (ACR) it's free (ACL). EMAE will have a share in the revenue depending on the corporate structure and the business to be constituted.
São Paulo and renewables
The State Infrastructure and Environment Secretariat (SMOOTH) launched in 2013 a Protocol of Intent with the Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation with the objective of implementing programs, projects and activities of common interest with Distributed Generation (GD) of energy from renewable sources in the state of São Paulo.
Distributed Generation is a strategic opportunity to boost and heat up the economy, providing income generation, quality local jobs and the strengthening of the State's production chain.
With high potential for the use of renewable energy sources, the partnership represents a strategic opportunity to boost and heat up the economy, generating jobs and income by strengthening the regional renewable energy production chain.
The model also contributes to the diversification of the electrical matrix, increasing energy security and reducing transmission losses, in addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
São Paulo and its energy potential
The economic potential of the State of São Paulo is supported by an energy matrix that is already consolidated and with an important share of renewable sources, in which sugarcane derivatives account for 31,4% of the gross domestic energy supply of the State and hydraulics and electricity, by 18%. For non-renewable energies, the participation is of 46,9%, and oil and derivatives have a share of 38,3% and natural gas has a share of 6,9%, according to data from the Department of Energy and Mining.
The State is responsible for 16,7% of the installed capacity of generation of national hydraulic energy and by 48,2% of the production of anhydrous and hydrated alcohol, what makes São Paulo a recognized leadership in clean energy generation in the country.
In addition to a considerable number of hydroelectric plants, the enormous sugarcane ethanol production capacity and the piped gas distribution network brought by the Brazil-Bolivia pipeline, the State of São Paulo also has the Santos Basin hydrocarbon reserve, which encompasses the entire São Paulo coast, constituting the most promising exploratory region on the Brazilian coast.
In order to foster scientific research and technological development applied to the oil industry, of natural gas and biofuels in Brazil, the Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP) manages CT Petro, science and technology sector fund aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving the quality of products in the sector.
In the state of Sao Paulo, with the objective of supporting research in the area of biofuels, creating knowledge for sustainable production and applications based primarily on sugarcane ethanol, the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) has the Bioenergy Research Program (Bioen), that articulates academic and applied research on bioenergy with companies in the sector.
The National Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory is also located in São Paulo (CTBE), which is a research institution, development and innovation aimed at obtaining sugarcane ethanol with high productivity, through the maximum use of raw materials and the observance of sustainable practices by the production sector. Based in Campinas, CTBE develops research programs in agricultural areas, industrial, technological and sustainability. In addition to the budget coming from the federal government, CTBE's research activities can be subsidized by resources from public sector companies and research support institutions, such as FAPESP and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
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