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Selective Collection and Reverse Logistics

Much is said about selective collection and reverse logistics programs. But what is the importance of adopting these tools for society and the environment? This is what we will discuss in the next topics below., Sure, in a nutshell. And the first question that remains is: why separate our garbage? (if the garbage it's really garbage)

Why separate?

Each type of waste has its own recycling process. As various types of solid waste are mixed, its recycling becomes more expensive or even unfeasible, by the difficulty of separating them according to their constitution or composition.

The industrial process of recycling an aluminum can, for example, is different from recycling a cardboard box.

For this reason, the National Solid Waste Policy established that selective collection in Brazilian municipalities should allow, not minimal, the segregation between dry recyclable waste and tailings.

Dry recyclable waste is composed, principally, by metals (like steel and aluminum), paper, cardboard, and different types of plastics and glass.

already the tailings, which are non-recyclable waste, are mainly composed of toilet waste. (diapers, absorbents, cotonetes, contaminated ash from industries…) and other waste from cleaning and production processes.

There is, Nonetheless, another important part of waste that is organic waste, consisting of food waste and garden waste (dry leaves, pruning…). It is important that these wastes are not mixed with other types of waste, so that they don't harm recycling processes, and also, so that organic waste can be safely recycled and transformed into fertilizer by a simpler process, like compost.

When does this minimum collection exist, the collected dry recyclable waste is generally transported to waste sorting centers or warehouses, where waste is separated according to its composition and later sold to the recycling industry.

Organic waste is treated to generate organic fertilizer and the tailings are sent to landfills.

solid waste management

Solid waste management is the set of actions taken, directly or indirectly, in the collection steps, transport, transfer, environmentally sound treatment and final disposal of solid waste and environmentally sound final disposal of tailings, according to the municipal plan for integrated solid waste management or solid waste management plan, required under this law.

Selective collect

Selective collection is the differentiated collection of waste that has been previously separated according to its constitution or composition. That is, residues with similar characteristics are selected by the generator (who can be the citizen, a company or other institution) and made available for collection separately..

According to the National Solid Waste Policy, the implementation of selective collection is an obligation of the municipalities and targets related to selective collection are part of the minimum content that must be included in the municipalities' integrated solid waste management plans.

Reverse logistic

According to the National Solid Waste Policy, reverse logistics is defined as an instrument of economic and social development characterized by a set of actions, procedures and means to enable the collection and return of solid waste to the business sector, for reuse, in its cycle or in other production cycles, or other environmentally suitable final destination.

Broadly speaking, reverse logistics is a mechanism for reabsorbing products on behalf of manufacturers, importers, distributors and traders, structuring systems that enable the return of these products to the business sector, for them to be reinserted in the production cycle or for another environmentally appropriate destination.

While selective collection is an obligation of holders of solid waste management services (public or private power), Reverse logistics is primarily an obligation of the business sector because, in general, these are residues that have the possibility of reuse in the productive cycle, or are dangerous.

Is that you manager which aims to implement waste management, contact us, schedule a meeting.

References: www.mma.gov.br