At ISO 20121 from 27 of july 2012, in its first edition, established the Management Systems for Sustainability in Events. This standard sought, in the wake of the London Olympic Games, bring a sustainability plan to major events, bringing the least possible impact to the environment, from the choice of materials to waste management and the efficient use of resources.

The use of this standard in events is desirable in order to generate a more sustainable world and also improve the image of the event, of participants and sponsors, in addition to showing an alternative to the events industry that respects not only the environment, but also workers and the public, through suggested practices.
Let's explore the steps of this standard as they relate to participant awareness, reduction of carbon emissions, waste minimization, promoting social inclusion. These concepts must be reinforced by documentation, through continuous improvement processes, by focusing on the importance of leadership, in addition to resources such as self-declaration and supplier validation.
Clear objectives must be established, in the form of a statement of purpose and values. The principles of sustainable development that govern the organization, relating to event management, must include, at a minimum, considerations for management, inclusion, integrity and transparency.
Tools and resources are essential for developing a sustainable corporate event. Event management platforms can help organize and monitor sustainable practices.
Leadership must document these methods and objectives, the declaration of purposes and values, through a management policy. The organization must retain documented information about this policy.
Sustainable development policy must take into account requirements that relate to:
- production chain organizations (product suppliers, installation and services);
- the event management cycle, from conception and planning to implementation activities, critical and post-event analysis;
- the output of engagement with stakeholders;
- the needs of end users; legacy issues.

This stage of the event has the greatest potential impact on the final result of this action, for example, in choosing the location, which directly impacts issues such as: your location – spaces that are easily accessible by public transport or that offer nearby accommodation options, thus reducing the need for long journeys and also spaces that have environmental certifications even those that adopt social responsibility policies.
But there are many aspects that can impact this stage, the identification of issues should, if applicable, cover the following:
- environmental aspects – use of resources, choice of materials, resource conservation, reducing emissions, preservation of biodiversity and nature, emission of pollutants into the soil, in water and air;
- social aspects – work standards, health and safety, civil liberties, social justice, local community, indigenous rights, cultural issues, accessibility, equity, heritage and religious sensibilities;
- economic aspects – return on investment, local economy, market capacity, stakeholder value, innovation, direct and indirect economic impact, market presence, economic performance, risk, fair trade and profit sharing.
With effective planning and strategies, it is possible to significantly minimize the amount of waste generated, the use of disposable materials and the implementation of efficient recycling and composting systems are examples in this sense.
Choose reusable materials, encouraging participants to bring their own reusable items and choosing suppliers who share the same sustainable values and who are willing to adapt their packaging and products to more ecological options are part of this stage.
The organization must determine and provide the resources necessary for the establishment, Implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the management system for event sustainability. Resources must include personnel, competence, training, infrastructure, technology and finance.
Sustainable resource management at events includes: renewable energy, efficient lighting, efficient equipment, water management, reducing the use of bottled water, participant engagement in sustainable practices, implementation of recycling and composting systems in partnership with waste management companies.
Training for those involved and partners includes workshops and lectures on sustainability, covering topics such as recycling, composting and resource conservation. This can help raise awareness and encourage behavior changes.
Green communication, using digital communication materials instead of printed ones to reduce paper usage. Event apps and online platforms can be used to share information and updates with attendees.

The organization must plan, implement and control the processes necessary to meet the requirements and implement the determined actions in addition to establishing the relevance of each of the objectives, goals and plan(s) in relation to each supplier, and must include sufficient and relevant information in commercial proposals or other documentation, to enable your suppliers to demonstrate their ability to support objectives.
With the aim of achieving sustainability practices, the use of technology and also rationality must be maximized to the limit that the operation allows.
- Event apps: Replace printed materials, such as programs and maps, and allow real-time communication with participants.
- Online registration platforms: Reduce the need for paper forms and facilitate the management of registrations and payments in a sustainable way.
- Live Streaming and On-Demand Content: Allow people from different locations to participate in the event virtually, reducing transport-related emissions.
- Event management systems: Assist in organizing and monitoring sustainable practices, from planning to execution of the event.
- Portable Solar Power: Solar-powered mobile device charging stations encourage the use of renewable energy.
- Smart Lighting: Lighting systems that automatically adjust light intensity based on the presence of people in the environment, saving energy.
- Advanced biodegradable materials: Development of new materials for utensils and packaging that are completely biodegradable.
Performance evaluation
The organization must establish its approach to evaluating current and target performance against its statement of purpose and values and the administrative principles of sustainable development related to event management, must retain appropriate documented information as evidence of results and must evaluate event sustainability performance and the effectiveness of the event sustainability management system.
The organization should conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the management system is achieving the objective for event sustainability.
From reviews like these, emerged over time, improvements in management, as in the biggest cases in Brazil:
- Rock in Rio: Known for its sustainability initiatives, such as the reforestation of degraded areas, waste management and use of reusable cups.
- Lollapalooza Brazil Festival: Implements actions such as hydration points to reduce the use of plastic bottles, in addition to promoting the separation and recycling of waste.
- Brazilian Congress of Sustainable Events: Brings together industry professionals to discuss and share best practices in sustainability, encouraging the adoption of these practices in events of all types.
Management review must include consideration:
- the results of actions arising from previous critical analyzes by management;
- changes to internal and external issues that are relevant to the management system for event sustainability;
- information about the sustainability performance of the event, including trends
— In non-conformities and corrective actions,
— On assessment results in monitoring and measurement, e
— In the audit results;
- opportunities for continuous improvement; of conformity assessments;
- communications with stakeholders and changes in stakeholder expectations;
- about the extent to which objectives and targets were met;
- the results of corrective and preventive actions;
- changing circumstances, including developments in legal requirements and other requirements relating to its sustainable development policy;
on progress based on administrative principles of sustainable development.

The organization must establish, maintain and implement procedures that define responsibility and authority for handling and investigating nonconformities, taking measures to mitigate any impacts caused, and to initiate and complete corrective and preventive actions.
Learn more about good sustainability practices:
Sustainability in events: responsible practices for a positive impact on the environment – Lets Blog
ABNT20121SistemasdegestoparasustentabilidadedeEVENTOS1.pdf (
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