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solar water heating: how the PROCEL seal can help you?

Generally, energy is one of the most popular resources. And life without or almost without energy use is practically impossible these days.. Responsible for ensuring more comfort inside our homes, hot water is also a major burden on the consumer's energy bill.. Thus, save energy in homes and industries, in addition to the development of alternative energy sources with low emissions, or practically nil, is very important for the sustainable future of life on Earth. solar water heating.

The primary energy use with certain types of equipment is inefficient. All this because, for example, heating your shower water instantly requires a lot of energy from the network. And that could easily be changed by a local generation, like solar water heating, that would bring financial benefits to the consumer, as well as reducing losses for the network as a whole.

Procel guarantees this dynamism and accessibility in adaptation, no standardization is required in the solutions to be used. Thus, the seal allows, not just for buildings, but also products, stand out from the point of view of adhering to an environmental conscience, giving importance to sustainability.

Furthermore, incentive programs like o End, from the BNDES, it's the ANEEL's Energy Efficiency Program, have exclusive lines of credit that can help you make changes.. solar water heating.

The following video brings the eighth episode of the series, a National Energy Conservation Label, episode Solar Water Heating:

original content To learn more about the sustainable development goals click on the links ODS 7 Where ODS 9. For partnerships and means of implementation (ODS 17) contact us clicking here. solar water heating. solar water heating. solar water heating. solar water heating.