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Bento Gonçalves will transform collected organic waste into energy

Brazil loses 3 bi for not recycling waste

Expected for the first half of this year, the transformation of organic waste into energy in Bento Gonçalves should take place at the beginning of 2020. The start of activities depends on the choice, by bidding, a company qualified for the service and a period for the construction of a waste treatment and disposal plant. […]

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference in terms of environmental preservation and, break, will solve a problem that has been worsening in recent years. 30 years in every city in the world: the trash. The Solid Waste Plant will operate in the same location where the current transshipment is located, in the Pomarosa neighborhood, […]

Alstom's hydrogen-powered train makes its debut in Germany

alstom hydrogen-powered train debuts in germany

Alstom's hydrogen-powered passenger train received licensing in Germany this week, Alstom's hydrogen-powered passenger train has been licensed in, a highly polluting fuel, of regional transport. The German state of Lower Saxony ordered 14 Coradia iLint models from Alstom, according to the website of the company based in Saint-Ouen, in France. You […]

To Australia, Tesla's giant battery has already yielded $1 million

giant battery australia

On December 1st, 2017, Tesla's 100MV battery system came into service in South Australia after being built in just 100 days, at the request of Elon Musk himself. The battery has already proven to be useful. In day 14 from December, a coal-fired thermoelectric plant underwent a […]

Electricity generated by a sewage treatment plant


Partnerships for innovation Seeking to introduce new sources of generation into the Brazilian electricity matrix, GE Power and CS Bioenergia (a joint venture formed from the partnership between Cattalini Bioenergia and the sanitation company Sanepar) signed a contract for the project to generate energy from the decomposition of sludge and […]