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Integrated Solid Waste Management

integrated solid waste management

The integrated management of solid waste must aim to reduce its impacts as much as possible.. The three axes of Integrated Solid Waste Management Identify and classify the waste generated, according to current standards and legislation, through mapping at each stage of the production process. Condition, store and transport waste, according to […]

Let's take chemicals seriously, our lives depend on it

In an article published in the Swiss press, the director of the UN Environment Law Division, Elizabeth Mrema, warns of inadequate management of chemicals, including substances present in e-waste. Until 13 millions of people die each year from pollution and environmental degradation, including about 190 thousand […]

As per ISO standards 9001 e 14001 can help with risk management?

sustainability risk management

Modern society lives surrounded by risks and, in this way, It's up to us to manage these risks. However, what changes is our way of acting towards it, make risk an opportunity to grow. eco-efficiency, the rise of the market, or even its maintenance, is a function of corporate sustainability, and the management of […]