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Hydric punch: Which is? And what are the benefits of its application?

In today's world, the use of water is essential for any human activity. Drink, cook and wash, even more so for food production, paper, cotton clothes, and many others, incessantly, every day. Hydric punch.

Today, many tools are already used for secure analysis, but the development of new tools must be constant.

Based on Life Cycle Analysis Principles, a Water Footprint, an international non-profit organization, aware of the need and importance of applying an analysis on a resource of vital importance to humanity, comes since 1992, promoting studies related to water consumption, in the search for the development of adaptive measures.

The water footprint was an indicator created to measure and analyze this consumption. Measuring the amount of water used not only by direct consumption, but also for that added to a consumed product. Its concept is fully based on lifecycle analysis., the footprint is divided into three types:

  • the blue one, that measures the volume of river waters, lakes and groundwater, usually used in irrigation, miscellaneous processing, washes and refrigeration;
  • in green, related to rainwater, necessary for plant growth;
  • and the ash, which measures the volume needed to dilute a given pollutant until the water in which this effluent was mixed returns to acceptable conditions, according to established quality standards.
The water footprint as a tool to avoid the “invisible”

The biggest concern of the indicator is the fact that this consumption occurs in two ways: the right, when someone turns on the faucet to perform some action; or the indirect, via acquisition of consumer objects, like clothes, food products, etc.

The problem with this second way is that it goes unnoticed by people. That's because it's not intuitive that, when we consume the products, in them are embedded gigantic volumes of water for its production.

According to study data Water: Strategic debate for Brazilians and Angolans made by the professor doctor at USP, Maurice Waldman, agriculture is, by far, the one that uses the most water (Come in 65% e 70% of consumption), followed by industry (24%) and for domestic use (Come in 8% e 10%).

That's why the importance of this indicator, which alerts to the “hidden” use of water and seeks to make people aware that the water factor is very relevant in the consumption options of each one. To make this relationship between consumer and product clearer, the water footprint proposes to show the volume of water used in each product, offering conditions to the consumer to choose the product that presents itself as the most economical and, as a consequence, be a way to encourage manufacturers to reduce, in your production processes, the use of this all-important feature.

water footprint of traditional products
you consume without noticing. Infographic shows the amount of water needed to produce some items of our daily lives. Source: Sustainable planet.


Another idea of ​​the organization is to create a bill that requires manufacturers to present, on the packaging of your products, labels indicating the amount of water used in its production. These organization's proposals arise in an attempt to reduce problems related to water scarcity, that according to the Water Footprint report, it affects, at least one month a year, more of 2,7 billions of people.

And this concern about the water footprint must understand the origin, the quantity and quality of water, as it is very important to observe it from the springs and rivers, that mark the beginning of its trajectory. This is because in case of contamination by poorly deposited waste or problems in pipes, contaminated water tends to spread through homes, with unpredictable effects when consumed.

In addition to the ideas presented by the organization, the decrease in consumption and greater awareness of the population may be due to the emergence of new technologies capable of creating means for economy, as presence sensors that suspend the flow when it is not needed, rainwater harvesting, timers, among other alternatives for more responsible consumption.

Also take the opportunity to test your water footprint. The Water Footprint website features a kind of calculator that, based on information about your consumption, inform the size of your water footprint.

some facts and figures
  • The production of a kilo of beef demands 15 thousand liters of water (93% verde, blue 4%, 3% water footprint ash). There is huge variation around this global average. The footprint for a cut of meat depends on factors, such as the type of production system and the composition and origin of feed for the cattle.. [report download]
  • The Water Footprint of a Soja-Burgers soy burger from 150 grams produced in the Netherlands is about 160 liters. A beef burger from the same country needs about 1000 liters. [report download]
  • The Water Footprint of chinese consumption is about 1070 cubic meters per capita, per annum. Near 10% Chinese Water Footprint Falls Out of China. [report download]
  • Brazil, with a footprint of 2027 cubic meters per capita, per annum, have about 9% of its total Water Footprint outside the country's borders. [report download]
  • Portugal, with a footprint of 2505 cubic meters per capita, per annum, have about 60% of its total Water Footprint outside the country's borders. [report download]
  • A Hydric Two citizens From USA It's 2840 cubic meters per capita, per annum. Near 20% this Water Footprint is external. The largest external water consumption footprint in the US lies in the Yangtze River basin., and China. [report download]
  • A Global water punch no period 1996-2005 was from 9087 Gm³ / ano (74% verde, blue 11%, and gray 15%). Agricultural production contributes 92% for this total hit. [report download]
  • Water shortage affects more than 2,7 billion people for at least one month each year. [report download]

For information about footprint analysis and inventory services, contact us, schedule a meeting.


[1] Hydric Hit – Website visited on 24/05/2017 – Link:

[2] Water Footprint – Website visited on 24/05/2017 – Link: