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Efficiency in air conditioning in buildings

Air conditioning devices need a lot of energy, partly by automatic command. In large-scale buildings, become the main energy demander.

In most companies, energy is a high cost factor., totaling approximately 30% of the additional costs, it may vary between different industrial branches.

An air conditioner uses more energy when it has difficulties to "deliver" the cold temperature in the room, in this way, the use of new appliances with better thermal insulation saves more energy. Then, the efficiency of the device, or system, it is important factor.

For practical example, an air conditioner from 7500 BTUs and average power of 1000 watts on eight hours a day for a month consumes 240 kWh, according to data from EDP Energia.

Procel 3E: air conditioning

The seal's recommendations for building efficiency show a dynamism to the others we've already cited. First, like every efficiency project, an analysis of the size and need of the building based on the availability of resources is necessary., technology adaptation in infrastructure (in the case of a retrofit) and the level of efficiency that has to be achieved.

An interesting solution is the mixed-mode integration, this is, join natural ventilation in favorable periods for this, with the use of air conditioning in situations where the former cannot operate as efficiently, as in the case of a high occupancy density.

And that's where the PBE, or PROCEL take action. Serving in a selective and comparative way the most suitable equipment for the project.

The advantages

In addition to the dynamism mentioned above, the interconnection between the tripod of energy efficiency in buildings and the analysis of this, is a positive point for solving the problems found..

In the case of air conditioning, the IPR analysis (lighting power density) favors not only efficient lighting, as well as reducing the energy used by the air conditioning to acclimatize the environment.

Another good point is, reducing air use reduces greenhouse gas emissions, that on a large scale, assists in national emission reduction targets.

Furthermore, incentive programs like o End, from the BNDES, it's the Energy Efficiency Program, of ANEEL, have exclusive lines of credit that can help you make the necessary changes.

Two planning managers from a public agency are called to a meeting. They need to evaluate the air conditioning for a renovation of the building where they work., watch next, the fourth episode of the series, the interconnection between the tripod of energy efficiency in buildings and the analysis of this:

original content procelinfo.com.br. To learn more about the sustainable development goals click on the links ODS 7 Where ODS 9. For partnerships and means of implementation (ODS 17) contact us clicking here.