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CBAM and Carbon Credits: A Path to Sustainable Commerce

The Frontier Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and carbon credits are revolutionizing sustainable trade, offering a new approach to reducing global emissions. By integrating these tools, the European Union seeks to level the playing field, ensuring imported products meet the same rigorous environmental standards as domestic products. It is […]

ETS EU and adaptation to CBAM

As the deadline for the transition period imposed by the EU ETS of December 2025, It is necessary for Brazilian companies to adapt to the new rules, since many companies do not know that by having a cleaner energy matrix, o produto brasileiro já pode ter uma vantagem competitiva em relação a vários […]

ISCC Plus and the Circular Economy

O certificado ISCC Plus é um programa voluntário relacionado com a bioeconomia e a economia circular para alimentos, feed, chemical products, plastics, packaging, têxteis e matérias-primas renováveis ​​obtidas a partir do processo de utilização de fontes de energia renováveis ​​que cobrem os mesmos requisitos da Certificação ISCC UE, mas pode ser adaptada para atender às […]

CBAM and the European Green Deal

After the Paris Agreement, where the European Union has committed to developing actions that limit the global average temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the European Ecological Pact was signed,, as a goal, sets out some strategies to transform the European Union into a prosperous and carbon-neutral society by 2050, between them […]

Vallourec and the ISCC Plus standard

Recently in Vallourec, company in the steel industry with several innovative application areas, developed in Brazil, a pioneer plant in Pompeu (MG). This plant, that works with a unique technology, called Carboval, for charcoal production, vital element for this and other steel industries. One of the elements generated in this production is a Bio-oil, […]

Case study – Integrated Stories – Nature and Biodiversity

Let's present a case study, related to TNFD, integrating reports on nature and biodiversity and how to publicize this study. To decide how the organization should respond to material questions related to nature, identified in the LEAP approach, including what to disclose and how to disclose, the identified subjects must follow the following points: Desired results: […]

Nature and Biodiversity – Reports and Disclosure – TFND

The Working Group on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) developed a set of recommendations and disclosure guidelines that encourage and enable companies to evaluate, report and act on their dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities related to nature. The recommendations and guidance will enable businesses and finance […]

ESG – Due Diligence – Questions and answers

The European parliament approved, in day 23/04/2024, a new round of European ESG guidelines (Environmental and Social Corporate Governance). In this article we will explore in question and answer format, some developments of these guidelines and how they will impact the production chain and companies that supply or want to supply products to the EU. New Directive […]

ISCC EU 203 – Traceability and Chain of Custody

In this final stage, we will present a synthesis of the concepts of traceability and chain of custody, We will work on the definition of small producers and how to correctly identify their farms and plantations within the scope of these standards. In addition, we will present a panel on sustainability characteristics for batches of material output in different scenarios.. Definitions Each element of a […]

ISCC and Traceability

When we deal with ISCC certification and the chain of custody, We always have to mention the concept of Traceability. Here in this article we will develop some concepts related to the degree of tracking of each element of the supply chain and some of the documentation that is necessary to obtain it.. Each element of a materials supply chain […]

GHG Protocol – Ciclo 2024 and the Carbon Inventory

growth limits, 1973.

In this article we will briefly talk about the training present in the Cycle 2024 from FGV – EAESP and we will give more details about Carbon Inventories, your specifications, points of attention and challenges. We will also talk about its execution principles and the classification of inventories, depending on its complexity. FGV EAESP and training in this area The Center […]

RSB Principles and Criteria V4 Part 2

The five-year review of the RSB published in 19 december 2023 brought updates of principles and criteria in accordance with Good Practices adopted by NGOs, Business, regulatory agencies and updated standards followed around the world, as defined in the scope of the document transcribed below: “A Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) is an organization […]

Principles and Criteria of the RSB Version 4

A RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials), initiative that brings together more than 130 industry leaders, environmental organizations, civil society, academic institutions and government bodies other than the UN, now set in 16/11/2023 revisions to the Principles and Criteria (P&C) from RSB version 4 (published in final version on the date of 19/12/2023). About RSB RSB […]

Unlocking Opportunities: Carbon credit market

Let's explore a crucial topic in combating climate change: the perspectives of the carbon credits market. In this article, we will provide an in-depth understanding of carbon credits and their importance in the fight against climate change. Let's explore how this market works, who are the main players, the benefits and challenges of participating […]

Amazon Summit 2023: an important step towards protecting the forest

The Amazon Summit 2023, held in Belém, no stop, in the days 8 e 9 of August, It was a historic event for the region.. The date, with the participation of heads of state from the eight countries that make up the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (FATHER), aimed to discuss the situation […]

Plans for Implementing the Global Framework for Biological Diversity

In a historic decision, the Board of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved plans to establish an innovative new fund to fund the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biological Diversity Framework. This fund represents an important milestone in the protection and conservation of biodiversity around the world., aiming […]

The European Union Green Deal

The European Green Deal

Com o green deal, European Commission propose to zero GHG emissions by 2050 The European Union is made up 27 countries located in the old continental. Within this conglomerate of countries are located the largest economies in the world, like Germany and Switzerland. The concern with sustainable guidelines has been increasingly discussed and has greater importance for […]

Travel 2030: a look at the changes in mobility in post-COVID

visão 2030 Posts Categorized

The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented time in many ways. By disrupting urban systems so deeply, the virus puts before us the question of possible futures for cities in a way we cannot ignore. Cities will recover? how will they be? more inclusive? The dominance of the private car over […]

Conference in Peru discusses sustainable industrial development in Latin America

parque industrial em Altamira - Investing in a green and sustainable way with Bonds

In the last decades, industrial parks have made important contributions to the restructuring and development of the global economy., creating jobs and increasing income. A conference in Lima, no Peru, will discuss in June ways these parks can also contribute to sustainable and climate-resilient urbanization, Driving Latin America's Green Growth. (development […]

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference in terms of environmental preservation and, break, will solve a problem that has been worsening in recent years. 30 years in every city in the world: the trash. The Solid Waste Plant will operate in the same location where the current transshipment is located, in the Pomarosa neighborhood, […]

Global leaders call for more speed and urgency in climate adaptation solutions

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference

Following a series of climate disasters related to global warming that affected countries around the world, the new Global Adaptation Commission was launched. This unprecedented union of global leaders comes to catalyze a worldwide movement to scale and speed up climate change adaptation solutions. The Commission […]

Silica made from rice husk ash!

Silica from rice husks

the silica (SiO2) is one of the most used raw materials in the world, among its applications are glasses, Solar cells, refractory ceramics and even toothpaste. In this way, hundreds of thousands of tons are produced every year around the world. Nonetheless, the traditional way this material is produced is not the most efficient way, […]

Research develops organic fertilizer from plant biomass

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference

Produced from aboveground biomass (part of the plant that sticks out of the ground) of legume species, N-green is a nitrogen-rich plant organic fertilizer (N) and easy to apply. “It has the essential nutrients for plants: match, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur; and micronutrients, like boron, ferro, manganese, molybdenum and zinc", […]

Article: Secure the pilot to the seat, by Marina Grossi

secure the pilot to the seat

It was during World War II that, for the first time, the prerogative of trying to hold the pilot of a fighter to the seat emerged, not just for your safety, but by the imponderable: the speed sometimes ejected it, and the plane got lost. That's where the seat belt came from, today undisputed habit. the gigantic […]

Petrobras and UNDP sign an agreement to promote sustainable development in 110 counties

Petrobras and UNDP sign an agreement to promote sustainable development in 110 counties

Acting in the expansion of local capacities and stimulating sustainable territorial development in 110 municipalities where Petrobras is present are the objectives of the agreement signed between the company and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) municipalities where Petrobras is present are the objectives of the agreement signed between the company and the (25), in Brasilia (DF). Signed on the three-year anniversary of the approval of the Agenda 2030 e […]

Seminar debates sustainable energy and compliance with the Paris Agreement

Seminar debates sustainable energy and compliance with the Paris Agreement

The energy company FURNAS hosted, on the last day 17, a seminar to debate sustainable energy generation with an eye on compliance with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. The event, organized by the company and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), discussed the main advances and challenges of the energy sector, with […]

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

Created by Gotham Greens in 2015, the largest one-building rooftop farm in the world, is situated on top of a sustainable cosmetics factory, in the Pullman neighborhood, in Chicago. occupying a space of 7 thousand square meters, your annual harvest is almost 10 millions of all-organic vegetables and herbs, […]

South American countries have statistical gap to monitor SDG

South American countries have statistical gap to monitor SDG

In South American countries, missing information for about 60% of the indicators that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) uses in monitoring seven of the Sustainable Development Goals, os ODS. The estimate was released last week, 3, by the UN agency, responsible for monitoring the […]

UNDP and Repsol sign global agreement to promote sustainable development

UNDP and Repsol sign global agreement to promote sustainable development

Spanish energy company Repsol and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed a global cooperation agreement that will facilitate the advancement of sustainable development in more than 20 countries where both organizations operate. This is the first global agreement between the UNDP and a company in the oil and gas sector. […]