Waste Management Consulting Services

by definition, Waste is everything that is not used in human activities, from industries, businesses and residences. solid waste, as the name says, are unused materials that are in the solid state. “Current leaders have a critical role in waste management, due to the direct and indirect impacts that they can cause […]
Consulting Services in High Conservation Value Areas

The approach related to High Conservation Value Areas is a methodology to identify and protect the impacts of land use change. It is globally applicable across a wide range of scales, as in great landscapes, farms, plantations and small properties, in ecosystems (from forests to pastures) and productive systems. Various partner certifications […]
environmental certification: why suit and what are its benefits

Why adapt to environmental standards? Organizations of all types are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating correct environmental performance, controlling the impact of your activities, products or services in the environment, taking into account policies and objectives defined by environmental certification bodies. This behavior is inserted in the context of […]
Brazilian ethanol: reason for success

Ethanol is part of the group of biofuels that are derived from renewable biomass, that emerged from the need to diversify energy sources, as a result of the heavy dependence on fuels derived from oil and natural gas. And there are more than 80 years of presence in the Brazilian market. The history of Brazilian ethanol […]
Advice for Bonsucro certification

Advisory for certification biO3 environment and sustainability hereby informs that it participated in the advisory for certification of Biosev in the Bonsucro Standard at the Santa Elisa Unit, sugar and alcohol plant located in the city of Sertãozinho, interior of São Paulo. The expectation is that the partnership will continue for the next projects. Bonsucro certification Bonsucro certification […]