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Non-Agricultural Environmental Sustainability: The Path to Greener Food

The Commitment to Sustainability in Agribusiness Brazilian agribusiness, marked by its notable growth in recent decades, faces growing demand for sustainable production, embracing the principles of ESG pillars (Environment, Social and Governance). In this text, the environmental aspect of this commitment will be addressed, leaving the topics “Social” e “Governance” for future discussions. The current […]

Circular Economy and the Transformative Potential in the Brazilian Sugar-Energy Sector

The circular economy has emerged as an urgent response to the global challenges of finite resources and environmental pollution. It seeks to minimize waste, promote reuse, recycling and rethink the entire life cycle of products. In the context of Brazil, a country that plays a crucial role in the production of biofuels, like ethanol from […]

RenovaBio: The Largest Decarbonization Program in the World

In day 29 from May of 2023 took place at the Federal University of Lavras, at the gym “RenovaBio: The Largest Decarbonization Program in the World”, taught by Professor Dr.. Rafael Perón Castro, G-Oil Tutor- Study Group on Oleaginous Plants, Vegetable Oils, Fats and Biofuels. In this, the entire history and trajectory of use and distribution was passed on […]

EU RED II and Socio-environmental Certifications

Some environmental certification standards comply with the European Directive and are adapting to the new certification approach for Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO). Some of the standards that can be cited are Bonsucro, ISCC, RSPO and RSB, that including, with the exception of RSPO, were discussed previously on the biO3 blog in exclusive texts, […]

European Biofuels Directive – I RED II

Approved by the European Parliament, the new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), It is a document that establishes a goal of 32% of energy from renewable sources in the European Union to 2030. The Commission's original proposal did not include a transport target, that was introduced by lawmakers in the final agreement: Member States must demand […]

ELO program, Bonsucro and comparison between sustainable production standards

Recently the SAI platform (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform) officially recognized the ELO Program, one of the current standards of sustainable production, from Raízen, integrated energy company, internationally validating the company's commitment to a socially fair and environmentally correct production model. created in 2014, the ELO Program is an unprecedented voluntary initiative in the chain […]

Carbon credit, from its origin to its actuality.

The carbon credit is the currency used in the carbon market, working so that Emissions Trading helps in negotiations between countries that have exceeded their targets and countries that have not managed to reach them proposed in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. By indirectly helping to maintain the reduction project and […]

the binomial, forest and soil water maintenance

Forests and maintenance of water in the soil According to the Brazilian Constitution, in the article 20, item III, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil: Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, or extend to territory […]

The world scene at Rio+30

Posts Categorized

The Market Analysis Institute designs discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle. Supported by research, analyzes of current trends and studies presented during Rio+20, the Institute projects an overview of the discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle in the next decade for the world. Let's imagine it wasn't just three months. But, sim, 10 […]

Biogas and natural gas: how they fit into the Novo Mercado? And how can they strengthen?

new gas market, biogas, natural gas

First of all, it must be said that we are often asked about this relationship and that is why we decided to explore this subject further.. it must be said that we are often asked about this relationship and that is why we decided to explore this subject further., it comes in an increasing popularization. In contrast, Private companies and the Federal Government are starting to give more […]

Public consultation for the Bonsucro Production Standard is open

amyris receives bonsucro certification

Bonsucro is a worldwide non-profit organization, formed by a team of multi-stakeholders and aims to reduce the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane production, also taking into account the need for economic viability. For a product or process to be linked to Bonsucro, it must be certified by an organization […]

Bento Gonçalves will transform collected organic waste into energy

Brazil loses 3 bi for not recycling waste

Expected for the first half of this year, the transformation of organic waste into energy in Bento Gonçalves should take place at the beginning of 2020. The start of activities depends on the choice, by bidding, a company qualified for the service and a period for the construction of a waste treatment and disposal plant. […]

Solar roofs could surpass Brazil's total energy production

solar roofs

The use of solar panels on house roofs has been shown to be a growing trend. According to data from the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (ABSOLAR), Brazil would be a great candidate for solar roofs that could easily surpass Brazil's total electricity generation. Only in the residential segment, the technical potential of generation […]

RenovaBio: because the program is so interesting?


Encourage the biofuels sector, meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and ensure predictability, to her 13576/2017 creates the National Biofuels Policy, also called RenovaBio. This new policy helps define a strategy to ensure the strategic role of biofuels, especially when talking about energy security and reducing emissions […]

Circular Economy Can Help Countries Combat Climate Change, say report

circular economy

A report from Circle Economy, group supported by the UN Environment, points out that just 9% of the global economy is circular, or that means that the planet reuses less than 10% the 92,8 billion tons of minerals, fossil fuels, metals and biomass used every year in production processes. Released in January at the World Economic Forum, in […]

Chile launches largest fleet of buses 100% Latin American electric

Chile launches largest fleet of buses 100% Latin American electric

last thursday (13) december 2018, the Chilean government held the ceremony to hand over the 100 BYD K9FE electric buses in Santiago, not Chile. The event also marked the arrival of the largest bus fleet 100% Electrics in Latin America, driving the revolution of public transport electrification in the country. The local partner […]

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference in terms of environmental preservation and, break, will solve a problem that has been worsening in recent years. 30 years in every city in the world: the trash. The Solid Waste Plant will operate in the same location where the current transshipment is located, in the Pomarosa neighborhood, […]

In Paraiba, the sun that punishes the sertão is reality as a source of energy

The sun that punishes the sertão is a reality as a source of energy in Paraíba

If in a good part of the country solar energy is still a promise, representing less than 1% in the Brazilian energy matrix, in the extreme northwest of the state of Paraíba is already a reality and with the potential to grow a lot, as there are several projects that encompass actions in the public sector, private and civil society organizations. A […]

How Petrobras intends to explore offshore wind energy in Brazil

Petrobras and Equinor intend to invest in offshore wind energy

Petrobras and the Norwegian company Equinor (ex-Statoil) recently signed a memorandum of understanding for the joint development of businesses to operate in the offshore wind energy segment (offshore) No brazil. The state-owned company has already built a pilot plant, with wind turbines whose generation capacity is of 6 a 10 megawatts (MW). They will be […]

Seminar debates sustainable energy and compliance with the Paris Agreement

Seminar debates sustainable energy and compliance with the Paris Agreement

The energy company FURNAS hosted, on the last day 17, a seminar to debate sustainable energy generation with an eye on compliance with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. The event, organized by the company and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), discussed the main advances and challenges of the energy sector, with […]

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

Created by Gotham Greens in 2015, the largest one-building rooftop farm in the world, is situated on top of a sustainable cosmetics factory, in the Pullman neighborhood, in Chicago. occupying a space of 7 thousand square meters, your annual harvest is almost 10 millions of all-organic vegetables and herbs, […]

PROCEL 3E: Designing Energy Efficient Buildings

PROCEL 3E: efficiency

Some policies and initiatives have emerged in recent years to ensure that the country achieves its sustainability goals.. The Procel Seal for Efficient Buildings is one of them. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if a building didn't need energy? Want to know how to integrate energy efficiency into your architectural design? The Procel Seal for Buildings, […]

solar water heating: how the PROCEL seal can help you?

PROCEL 3E: efficiency

Generally, energy is one of the most popular resources. And life without or almost without energy use is practically impossible these days.. Responsible for ensuring more comfort inside our homes, hot water is also a major burden on the consumer's energy bill.. Thus, save energy in homes […]

UN sees slow progress to meet new development goals

UN sees slow progress to meet new development goals

If they want to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) within the time limit, until 2030, countries will need to accelerate progress towards a fairer world. The warning is from the president of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Marie Chatardová, who participated this week in the UN High Level Political Forum, closed at last […]

Alstom's hydrogen-powered train makes its debut in Germany

alstom hydrogen-powered train debuts in germany

Alstom's hydrogen-powered passenger train received licensing in Germany this week, Alstom's hydrogen-powered passenger train has been licensed in, a highly polluting fuel, of regional transport. The German state of Lower Saxony ordered 14 Coradia iLint models from Alstom, according to the website of the company based in Saint-Ouen, in France. You […]

Ministry of Industry officially joins the Brazil Network of the Global Compact

Ministry of Industry

The Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (Doctor) is the first Brazilian federal agency to commit to the Global Compact to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) United Nations. At an event on Wednesday (20) Minister Marcos Jorge de Lima made official the portfolio's adhesion to the Rede Brasil do Pacto […]