Cebrace – ISO certification 50001 – Energy Management System

A Cebrace, líder no setor de vidro plano no Brasil, deu um passo significativo em direção à sustentabilidade ao implementar a Certificação ISO 50001 na Cebrace: Gestão de Energia Sustentável. Esta norma internacional foca na gestão eficiente de energia, promovendo práticas que reduzem o consumo e melhoram a performance energética das empresas. A consultoria foi […]
Purcom and the ISCC Plus

A PURCOM, leading polyurethane company, achieved ISCC Plus certification with the support of EXP4 consultancy and biO3 environment and sustainability. This recognition, based on the concept of mass balance, reinforces PURCOM's commitment to sustainability, ensuring traceability and transparency throughout the production chain. Através dessa […]
VALGROUP, ISCC Plus and the Circular Economy

A VALGROUP, a leading company in the production sector, plastic processing and recycling, recently adopted ISCC Plus certification to ensure sustainability in its processes. ISCC Plus is a widely recognized certification system, which uses the mass balance approach to attribute raw material inputs to product output, assegurando transparência […]
Emissions Inventory: How the GHG Protocol Transforms Brazil

In the growing scenario of environmental awareness, the GHG Protocol emerges as an essential tool for Brazil. By providing an accurate inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, it not only increases transparency, but also promotes strategic and effective actions to reduce emissions. O programa é vital ao Brasil e em […]
ISCC Plus and the Circular Economy

O certificado ISCC Plus é um programa voluntário relacionado com a bioeconomia e a economia circular para alimentos, feed, chemical products, plastics, packaging, têxteis e matérias-primas renováveis obtidas a partir do processo de utilização de fontes de energia renováveis que cobrem os mesmos requisitos da Certificação ISCC UE, mas pode ser adaptada para atender às […]
CBAM and the European Green Deal

After the Paris Agreement, where the European Union has committed to developing actions that limit the global average temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the European Ecological Pact was signed,, as a goal, sets out some strategies to transform the European Union into a prosperous and carbon-neutral society by 2050, between them […]
Vallourec and the ISCC Plus standard

Recently in Vallourec, company in the steel industry with several innovative application areas, developed in Brazil, a pioneer plant in Pompeu (MG). This plant, that works with a unique technology, called Carboval, for charcoal production, vital element for this and other steel industries. One of the elements generated in this production is a Bio-oil, […]
ABNT PR 2030 / ESG – A path to Sustainability

In this article we will highlight ABNT PR 2030 / ESG, standard that details ESG implementation strategies in organizations. Regardless of the company’s stage of maturity, of the size, sector or constitution it is possible to enter into environmental sustainability processes, social and organizational proposed by the concept of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). […]
Human rights & Value Chain in the Sugar-Energy Sector

This last week, biO3 had the opportunity to hold an event promoted by BonSucro: “Human Rights Training – UN Guiding Principles”. Our director André Araújo opened the event so that speakers Victoriana Gonzaga and Juliana Prado could present their work to the companies that were included in this current cycle of lectures. In this article we will play […]
Case study – Integrated Stories – Nature and Biodiversity

Let's present a case study, related to TNFD, integrating reports on nature and biodiversity and how to publicize this study. To decide how the organization should respond to material questions related to nature, identified in the LEAP approach, including what to disclose and how to disclose, the identified subjects must follow the following points: Desired results: […]
The TNFD Mission and the LEAP Approach

The Working Group's stated mission is to develop and provide a risk management and disclosure framework for organizations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks., with the ultimate goal of supporting a shift in global financial flows away from environments with negative outcomes and toward […]
Bonsucro and RenovaBio Integration – The Plants

Before the PL 3149/2020 always in parallel with negotiations between producers and mill owners regarding CBios division issues and also the Technical Cooperation Agreement to develop an integrated procedure for Bonsucro and RenovaBio certifications, it becomes urgent for plant owners to explore what the advantages may be arising from the combination of the two certifications. In this […]
Bonsucro and RenovaBio, Producers Unite

In day 07/05 last, a ANP, within the scope of the RenovaBio program, signed a technical cooperation agreement with Bonsucro, global non-profit organization, which aims to promote sustainable sugar cane. In the extract, the agreement will last for 36 months. This agreement, aims to exchange experiences and knowledge about certifications, join efforts to […]
Management Systems for Event Sustainability

At ISO 20121 from 27 of july 2012, in its first edition, established the Management Systems for Sustainability in Events. This standard sought, in the wake of the London Olympic Games, bring a sustainability plan to major events, bringing the least possible impact to the environment, from the choice of materials to […]
ISCC EU 203 – Traceability and Chain of Custody

In this final stage, we will present a synthesis of the concepts of traceability and chain of custody, We will work on the definition of small producers and how to correctly identify their farms and plantations within the scope of these standards. In addition, we will present a panel on sustainability characteristics for batches of material output in different scenarios.. Definitions Each element of a […]
ISCC and Traceability

When we deal with ISCC certification and the chain of custody, We always have to mention the concept of Traceability. Here in this article we will develop some concepts related to the degree of tracking of each element of the supply chain and some of the documentation that is necessary to obtain it.. Each element of a materials supply chain […]
ISCC and the Chain of Custody

In this article we will explain the general methods and requirements that allow auditing the Chain of Custody, within the scope of the ISCC EU document 203 Traceability and Chain of Custody. Requirements and Methodologies According to RED II, economic operators must demonstrate that sustainability and gas emission reduction criteria with […]
ISCC System – Sustainable Supply Chains

In this article we will explore the ISCC system, a part of your story, your goals, provide an overview of your carbon footprint program and solutions for sustainable supply chains. History of ISCC The history of ISCC began in 2006 with a multisectoral dialogue that brought together more than 250 global stakeholders […]
GHG Protocol – Ciclo 2024 and the Carbon Inventory

In this article we will briefly talk about the training present in the Cycle 2024 from FGV – EAESP and we will give more details about Carbon Inventories, your specifications, points of attention and challenges. We will also talk about its execution principles and the classification of inventories, depending on its complexity. FGV EAESP and training in this area The Center […]
GHG Protocol – Basic Definitions and Main Points

In this article we will explore the basic definitions and main points of the GHG Protocol, of its main actors and respective responsibilities and also begin detailing the verification processes and requirements, in addition to briefly answering why you should look for this inventory. The Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Protocol Plan (GHG Protocol) was released […]
RSB Principles and Criteria V4 Part 2

The five-year review of the RSB published in 19 december 2023 brought updates of principles and criteria in accordance with Good Practices adopted by NGOs, Business, regulatory agencies and updated standards followed around the world, as defined in the scope of the document transcribed below: “A Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) is an organization […]
Principles and Criteria of the RSB Version 4

A RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials), initiative that brings together more than 130 industry leaders, environmental organizations, civil society, academic institutions and government bodies other than the UN, now set in 16/11/2023 revisions to the Principles and Criteria (P&C) from RSB version 4 (published in final version on the date of 19/12/2023). About RSB RSB […]
Unlocking Opportunities: Carbon credit market

Let's explore a crucial topic in combating climate change: the perspectives of the carbon credits market. In this article, we will provide an in-depth understanding of carbon credits and their importance in the fight against climate change. Let's explore how this market works, who are the main players, the benefits and challenges of participating […]
A Review of BonSucro V5.2 – Final Part

In this BonSucro V5.2 Review, we highlight some of the principles of the main indicators that the company must comply with to obtain Bonsucro certification: Statement two 37 (thirty seven) Essential Indicators: 1.1.1 The operator develops and implements a Sustainability Management Plan to comply with the Bonsucro Production Standard. 1.2.1 The operator maps the parts […]
A Review of Bonsucro v5.2 – Part 2

In this Bonsucro v5.2 review – Part 2, Let's discuss in some detail the structure of the Bonsucro Production Standard (BPS, in its acronym in English), and some of its criteria and main indicators. Resuming, the BPS has five (5) Principles, twenty (20) criteria and sixty-nine (69) indicators. Each principle has its criteria […]
The Role of CBios in the RenovaBio Program

Advantages of Joining the RenovaBio Program for Companies: The Value of CBIOs The RenovaBio Program, established by Law no. 13.576/2017, has stood out as an important initiative by the Brazilian government to stimulate the production and use of biofuels, in addition to promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The adhesion of companies […]
Importance of RenovaBio

RenovaBio is a Brazilian program that aims to promote the production of advanced biofuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector. First, RenovaBio contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, emit less carbon compared to […]
Recognition of RTRS as “Best-in-Class Voluntary Soy Standards System”

RTRS: Recognition for Profundo Study Recognition of RTRS as the main Voluntary Standards System (SVP) soybean production is a significant milestone for the industry. Reviewed by 60 main sustainability criteria, RTRS stood out in several aspects, solidifying its role in promoting a sustainable journey for the soy community. O […]
Boeing and RSB Identify Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa to Develop SAF

RSB and Boeing join forces to boost SAF in Sub-Saharan Africa On the day 13 september 2023, the Round Table on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), with the support of Boeing, presented a groundbreaking study at the Africa Aviation Summit, highlighting the potential for Sustainable Aviation Fuel production (PURE) and other biomaterials in […]
The role of biO3 in relation to SAF and other Biomaterials and Biofuels

The fuel of the future Sustainable Aviation Fuel (PURE) is gaining prominence in global aviation as a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Certifications and regulations, as RSB CORSIA, ISCC CORSIA and o “Aviation ReFuelEU”, are crucial to ensuring responsible production and increasing demand for SAF. Brazil, What […]