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Circular Economy and the Transformative Potential in the Brazilian Sugar-Energy Sector

The circular economy has emerged as an urgent response to the global challenges of finite resources and environmental pollution. It seeks to minimize waste, promote reuse, recycling and rethink the entire life cycle of products. In the context of Brazil, a country that plays a crucial role in the production of biofuels, like ethanol from […]


A sigla RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomateriais – Mesa redonda sobre biomateriais sustentáveis) is a global organization of independent multistakeholders driving the development of a circular economy on a global scale based on sustainable solutions, standard certification and collaborative partnerships. Furthermore, fornecem soluções que contribuem para o alcance nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável […]

Circular Economy in Agriculture

Circular economy in agriculture According to French scientist Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) circular economy in agriculture: “circular economy in agriculture, circular economy in agriculture, circular economy in agriculture”, circular economy in agriculture. A more sustainable production system that minimizes environmental impacts is the system […]

Knowing more about Green Bonds

Investing in a green and sustainable way with Green Bonds If you are a regular reader of the BiO3 consultancy blog or are a person/company that is aware of the news both in the agro market and in investments in the financial market, you have already heard about the “Green Bounds”. Otherwise, get ready to become! In […]

Circular Sampa: accelerating the transition to a circular economy in São Paulo

The circular economy seeks to break the link between economic activity of consumption and finite resources, eliminate the waste generated, in addition to being supported by a transition to renewable energy sources. is based on: eliminate waste and pollution from the beginning; keep products and materials in use; and regenerate natural systems. In this way, the change […]

Circular Fashion: The Creative Process Revolution

circular fashion the revolution of the production process

The Center for Studies in Circular Economy (NEEC Lorena) is an organization for studies and elaboration of solutions for the various productive sectors based on the principles of the circular economy. One of the pillars of the organization is the awareness and expansion of the dissemination of the theme as a form of engagement at scale. For that, a organização lançou o […]

ISCC PLUS: Bio-PVC is a winner

bio pvc iscc pluss

PVC is “durable and easily recyclable”, these are words that are not normally associated with plastics.. Nonetheless, it is much more durable than other common plastics., keeping its qualities for decades. Material can be recycled multiple times, why it has a key role to play in a circular economy. The company […]

Green economy has the potential to generate millions of jobs in Latin America

green economy

The green economy has the potential to generate millions of jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean and reduce labor costs arising from modern environmental problems., like climate change, on the exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of ecosystems, the estimate is from the report of the International Labor Organization (ILO). O estudo “Perspectivas Sociais e de […]

Multinationals plan to recycle 100% of your packages!

multinationals plan to recycle 100% of your packages

Um plano ambicioso A Nestlé anunciou um compromisso global ambicioso: become 100% of its packaging possible to be recyclable or reusable up to 2025 (see here). The intention is that no packaging is disposed of in landfills or ends up as waste in seas, oceans and rivers. The food giant follows other consumer multinationals. These […]

Circular Economy Can Help Countries Combat Climate Change, say report

circular economy

A report from Circle Economy, group supported by the UN Environment, points out that just 9% of the global economy is circular, or that means that the planet reuses less than 10% the 92,8 billion tons of minerals, fossil fuels, metals and biomass used every year in production processes. Released in January at the World Economic Forum, in […]

Silica made from rice husk ash!

Silica from rice husks

the silica (SiO2) is one of the most used raw materials in the world, among its applications are glasses, Solar cells, refractory ceramics and even toothpaste. In this way, hundreds of thousands of tons are produced every year around the world. Nonetheless, the traditional way this material is produced is not the most efficient way, […]