RenovaBio and Cbios, potential and future prospects
RenovaBio and Cbios, carbon credits, have significant potential to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The program has already shown positive results since its implementation, encouraging the production of advanced biofuels and the adoption of sustainable practices […]
The Role of CBios in the RenovaBio Program
Advantages of Joining the RenovaBio Program for Companies: The Value of CBIOs The RenovaBio Program, established by Law no. 13.576/2017, has stood out as an important initiative by the Brazilian government to stimulate the production and use of biofuels, in addition to promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The adhesion of companies […]
Importance of RenovaBio
RenovaBio is a Brazilian program that aims to promote the production of advanced biofuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector. First, RenovaBio contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, emit less carbon compared to […]
First Plane Powered by Cooking Oil and Animal Fat Takes Off in London
Towards Aviation Sustainability A historic milestone was established when a Virgin Atlantic plane, filled with used cooking oil, animal fats and other sustainable fuels, took off from London bound for New York. This pioneering journey represents the first time that a commercial aircraft has performed a long-haul flight powered exclusively by […]
The Vital Importance of the Global ESG Reporting Standard adopted by Brazil
A Business Need and Stakeholder Demand Companies face the constant search for the best way to publicize their activities and efforts towards sustainability, rising to the challenge of communicating your progress effectively. At the same time, os stakeholders, especially investors, face obstacles in comparing the results of these companies due to different standards […]
The role of biO3 in relation to SAF and other Biomaterials and Biofuels
The fuel of the future Sustainable Aviation Fuel (PURE) is gaining prominence in global aviation as a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Certifications and regulations, as RSB CORSIA, ISCC CORSIA and o “Aviation ReFuelEU”, are crucial to ensuring responsible production and increasing demand for SAF. Brazil, What […]
SAF is RSB: Two Paths to Aviation Sustainability
Aviation is an important sector of the global economy, but it is also one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases (GEE). As discussed in the previously published article, to reduce your emissions, the sector is investing in new technologies, like SAF, o Sustainable Aviation Fuel, or Sustainable Aviation Fuel. SAF is a […]
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (PURE): Towards a More Sustainable Aviation
The aviation industry faces significant challenges when it comes to environmental sustainability. Carbon emissions from flight operations have a considerable impact on the environment. In 2020, civil aviation was responsible for 2,4% of global GHG emissions. To mitigate the environmental impacts of aviation, emissions need to be reduced […]
Circular Economy and the Transformative Potential in the Brazilian Sugar-Energy Sector
The circular economy has emerged as an urgent response to the global challenges of finite resources and environmental pollution. It seeks to minimize waste, promote reuse, recycling and rethink the entire life cycle of products. In the context of Brazil, a country that plays a crucial role in the production of biofuels, like ethanol from […]
OECD Handbook – Due Diligence in Agricultural Supply Chains
After 3 years of hard work, drafts, interviews and consultations with companies, governments, NGOs and others, the launch of the OECD-FAO Business Manual on Deforestation and Due Diligence in Agricultural Supply Chains was announced. The ad was posted by Tomislav Ivančić, Global Consultant, responsible for UN/FAO Agricultural Supply Chains (Organization of Nations […]
Green Cities: Building a Sustainable Future
Until 2030 near 60% of the world's population will be living in urban centers – it is necessary to evaluate and transform these spaces. Cities are the vital centers of modern life, but they are also major consumers of natural resources and responsible for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions. Nonetheless, one […]
RenovaBio: The Largest Decarbonization Program in the World
In day 29 from May of 2023 took place at the Federal University of Lavras, at the gym “RenovaBio: The Largest Decarbonization Program in the World”, taught by Professor Dr.. Rafael Perón Castro, G-Oil Tutor- Study Group on Oleaginous Plants, Vegetable Oils, Fats and Biofuels. In this, the entire history and trajectory of use and distribution was passed on […]
CCB Program Climate Indicators and Criteria
The third version of the CCB standards was published in 2017 and included a number of updates to ensure development approaches are socially fair, environmentally competitive and economically viable. the version 3.1, in turn, brings minor adjustments to the criteria compared to the previous version, seeking to make the standards even more accurate and […]
CCB Program
Climate Rules, Community and Biodiversity (CCB Standards) are a set of guidelines for designing and evaluating land management and carbon offset projects that aim to combat climate change, support local communities and protect biodiversity. The CCB Standards were developed by a coalition of organizations, incluindo a Rainforest Alliance, […]
European Biofuels Directive – I RED II
Approved by the European Parliament, the new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), It is a document that establishes a goal of 32% of energy from renewable sources in the European Union to 2030. The Commission's original proposal did not include a transport target, that was introduced by lawmakers in the final agreement: Member States must demand […]
PGRS - Solid Waste Management Plan – SP
In day 15 december 2022 CETESB approved board decision no. 130/2022 which establishes the Term of Reference for the preparation of the Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS) within the scope of the environmental licensing of the state of São Paulo. Pursuant to Article 1 of the Board Decision, the Term of Reference […]
Consulting Services in High Conservation Value Areas
The approach related to High Conservation Value Areas is a methodology to identify and protect the impacts of land use change. It is globally applicable across a wide range of scales, as in great landscapes, farms, plantations and small properties, in ecosystems (from forests to pastures) and productive systems. Various partner certifications […]
RSB Project - Interpretation of National Indicators
We are honored with the news that during the year 2022, biO3 carried out a national interpretation project of 12 RSB Principles and Criteria (P&C). This project evaluated the level of adherence of the Brazilian national legislation to the P&C, with the aim of being a support tool for companies […]
Consulting Services and Social and Environmental Certifications / I RED
biO3 is a consulting company that was born with the objective of offering solutions in the environment and sustainability guided by science and innovation, aiming to contribute to sustainable development and positively impact society. We operate in different areas, one of them being socio-environmental certifications. Certifications are tools to communicate to stakeholders that the organization […]
ISCC certification
The biomass used for the production of biofuels must be produced sustainably. This means that the production of biomass/biofuels must follow the best environmental practices, social and economic. Areas that have high biodiversity value or rich in carbon, that serve to protect endangered or vulnerable species, or that are of importance […]
Updates to Principle 5 of the Bonsucro Production Standard
The last principle of the Bonsucro Production Standard to be updated is the principle 5. It is noteworthy that this is literally the last principle to be presented in the version 5.1, but in the version 4.2 the beginning would still remain 6. In both versions, the principle is “Continuously improve other key areas of activities”. The changes […]
Updates to Principle 4 of the Bonsucro Production Standard
about the principle 4 of the Bonsucro Production Standard v5.1, it can be said that the same remained similar initially, now being introduced as “Actively manage ecosystem services and biodiversity”. The criterion 4.1, which in the previous version was “to assess the impacts of sugarcane enterprises on biodiversity and ecosystem services”, now it's "Protect […]
Updates to Principle 3 of the Bonsucro Production Standard
The beginning 3 of the Bonsucro Production standard in the version 5.1 is “Manage input, production and processing efficiencies to improve sustainability”. If continued reading the most recent Pattern, it can be seen that the criterion 3.1 remained similar, consists of “monitoring the efficiency of the production and process, measure the impacts of […]
Updates to Principle 2 of the Bonsucro Production Standard
In the last post on the biO3 blog, Bonsucro Production Standard V5.1 was introduced and some changes were introduced. The intention now is to continue and explain changes that occurred in the Principle 2. On v4.2, the beginning 2 is “Respect Human Rights and Labor Standards”, and in v5.1 “Respect Labor Rights and Standards […]
Bonsucro Production Standard Updates
In the month of March 2022, the Bonsucro certification system provided training on the technical parameters of the Bonsucro Production standard version 5.1 of your publication. Bonsucro understands that learning and development are fundamental for an organization to develop in terms of sustainability / ESG. Thus, Bonsucro encourages […]
NET Zero: a global commitment
In general, the term Net Zero means reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, aiming to reach zero emissions by the middle of the century. The full expression is net zero carbon emissions (zero net carbon emissions, in free translation). The ultimate goal is to stop global warming., in a hit form […]
COP-27: The World's Largest Climate Change Summit
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2022, organized by the UN, will occur for the 27th time of days 6 a 18 from November, in the city of Sharm El Sheikh, in Egypt. COP-27 is the most important and largest event ever held on the topic of climate change. This highlights the purpose of […]
Bonsucro Global Week 2022
Bonsucro is the leading global sustainability platform and standard for sugarcane, one of the most important cultures in the world. Its purpose is to collectively accelerate the production and sustainable uses of sugarcane. Between the days 17 e 20 of October, Bonsucro Global Week will take place, in the city of Ribeirao Preto, SP, counting days […]
A sigla RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomateriais – Mesa redonda sobre biomateriais sustentáveis) is a global organization of independent multistakeholders driving the development of a circular economy on a global scale based on sustainable solutions, standard certification and collaborative partnerships. Furthermore, fornecem soluções que contribuem para o alcance nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável […]
Bonsucro: overview of changes in production pattern
To perform an introduction of new standard updates, seus colaboradores precisam ter uma visão ampla sobre o Padrão de Produção Bonsucro anteriores visando a versão 5.1. In that first moment, the Bonsucro, presents how the update process and its changes were developed and how the certification protocol was designed in the version 6. […]