Climate Circularity
Climate Circularity, actions harmful to the planet that have become cyclical over the years. Circularity is a feminine noun that attributes character or quality to what is circular. Bringing a figurative sense of continuity, cycle. While the word “Climate” is a relative to climate. In this way, podemos atribuir a “Circularidade climática” um significado figurado de […]
climate resilience
Climate Resilience, Climate Resilience, Climate Resilience: Climate Resilience, in natural or man-made systems, in natural or man-made systems, in natural or man-made systems.
Carbon credit, from its origin to its actuality.
The carbon credit is the currency used in the carbon market, working so that Emissions Trading helps in negotiations between countries that have exceeded their targets and countries that have not managed to reach them proposed in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. By indirectly helping to maintain the reduction project and […]
the binomial, forest and soil water maintenance
Forests and maintenance of water in the soil According to the Brazilian Constitution, in the article 20, item III, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil: Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, or extend to territory […]
The UN-REDD Program is the United Nations Collaborative Program for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD +) in developing countries. Launched in 2008, the program is based on the convening and technical expertise of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), together with the United Nations Program […]
Knowing the RSB standard
RSB – Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials, Simplicity recognized worldwide The acronym RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials – Roundtable on sustainable biomaterials in a free translation) is a global organization of independent multistakeholders driving the development of a circular economy on a global scale based on sustainable solutions, standard certification and […]
Bonsucro: What were the main changes in the chain of custody pattern?
Bonsucro certification promises to reach new markets in a sustainable way. Bonsucro is a global initiative, non-profit, dedicated to reducing the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane production and with the participation of different stakeholders. Seu objetivo é assegurar que a atual e a futura produção […]
The European Union Green Deal
Com o green deal, European Commission propose to zero GHG emissions by 2050 The European Union is made up 27 countries located in the old continental. Within this conglomerate of countries are located the largest economies in the world, like Germany and Switzerland. The concern with sustainable guidelines has been increasingly discussed and has greater importance for […]
IPCC report 2021: a weather alarm that can be reversible
IPCC report confirms that changes must be immediate for zero emissions. 3 months of the most anticipated meeting of the year in Scotland, for COP-26, o IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) released this monday, 09 of August, of SPM (Summary for Policymaker) of group 1 with the sixth evaluation report (AR6 – Sixth Assessment Report). As in previous editions, O […]
Carbon credits: the marketing of greenhouse gas reduction
It is known that with the increase of industries and modernization, greenhouse gas emissions (GEES) are getting bigger. These gases are known to be responsible for the increase in global warming and, thereby, aiming for sustainable development, in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol gave rise to the so-called "Carbon Credits". in the end […]
Month of June: the month of the environment
In 05 June 1972, the United Nations (HIM-HER-IT) started the event that became known as the Stockholm Conference. During the 11 conference days, you 113 countries present, among them Brazil, discussed the consequences of environmental degradation. It was on that same day that the United Nations Program […]
Observatory shows where, how much and who is doing forest restoration in Brazil
We already know that thousands of rural producers, business initiatives, civil society organizations, Governments and research institutions are restoring degraded areas and forests, promoting ecological restoration, forestry and reforestation of native and exotic species for wood production, paper, cellulose, environmental services and many other non-timber products. These actors have […]
Circulytics 2.0: a new tool of the circular economy
in January of 2020, the Foundation launched Circulitics – the most comprehensive tool for companies interested in measuring their circular economy performance. Its development brings a series of improvements and can be accessed free of charge in Portuguese, Spanish, english and chinese. Circulytics 2.0 Circulytics goes far beyond simple flow assessment […]
organic cotton: what is it and what are its advantages
Challenges Organic cotton is produced based on the principles of organic agriculture. This tends to be better than conventional, as it does not use pesticides and pesticides– which reduces the damage caused to the soil, to the environment and to the human being. Thus, there is a lot of criticism of conventional agriculture for providing foods that can be harmful to health., but is […]
Forest restoration: where can the financial resources come from to make it viable?
Ensuring resources for landscape and forest restoration to take place is crucial for the implementation of projects and initiatives across the country.. Although, creating financial mechanisms that are maintained over time is still one of the major obstacles for restoration to gain scale. to solve this bottleneck, among the actions of the Pró-Restaura project is the […]
Forests absorb twice as much CO2 as they emit per year
The world is improving its knowledge of the importance of forests in the global fight against climate change. A new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change and available on Global Forest Watch finds that the world's forests sequester about twice as much carbon dioxide as they emit between 2001 e 2019. In other words, […]
Study reveals the state of air quality and shows how the topic is neglected in Brazil
A silent epidemic that kills about 51 thousand Brazilians every year and for which the vaccine are well developed and implemented public policies. Air pollution cannot remain a silent problem, with a national policy that has no targets for reducing pollutant emissions, is not implemented, in addition […]
Piauí will house South America's largest wind farm and solar park
Piauí received a total investment of R$ 4,8 billion for the two complexes, with 4.200 direct jobs generated at the peak of the works, which are now in the final stages. The largest wind and solar parks in South America are being built in Piauí – Lagoa dos Ventos and São Gonçalo, respectively. Os empreendimentos estão sendo […]
Amyris is the first biotech to receive Chain of Custody Certification
We are pleased to announce our successful collaboration with Amyris on their Bonsucro Chain of Custody Certification project. We congratulate the company for being the first and only biotechnology company to receive the seal.
The world scene at Rio+30
The Market Analysis Institute designs discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle. Supported by research, analyzes of current trends and studies presented during Rio+20, the Institute projects an overview of the discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle in the next decade for the world. Let's imagine it wasn't just three months. But, sim, 10 […]
Government of São Paulo opens public call for floating photovoltaic plant at Billings
The Government of the State of São Paulo, through the Metropolitan Water and Energy Company (EMAE), opened a public call for the choice of companies interested in installing projects for the generation of photovoltaic energy floating in the Billings reservoir, in the capital of São Paulo. Participants must submit technical documents, financial and environmental provided for in the notice. Serão […]
Central Bank launches environmental sustainability agenda
The Central Bank (BC) launched, In the beggining of september, a set of social and environmental responsibility actions. The sustainability dimension was included in the BC# institutional agenda and included internal environmental awareness campaigns, incorporation of climate risk scenarios into BC stress tests, until the adoption of more comprehensive measures, how the creation […]
no forest, the agro is nothing. Understand the importance of the colossal "Flying Rivers"
Imagine rivers even bigger than the Amazon River, with billions of tons of water, cutting through several Brazilian states and passing over our heads. Sim. "Flying Rivers" exist. The term describes a real phenomenon., whose impact is gigantic on our lives and determinant for the balance of the ecosystem and biodiversity. They are made up of immense […]
ESG: the three magic words that are dominating the investment market
environmental criteria, social and governance or ESG– acronym in English that became internationally known – are increasingly being associated by investment managers and regulators with strong businesses., presenting less risk to the climate and sustainability of the planet, and so it has been gaining strength and attracting the market's attention. This increased interest […]
Day 3 of September, Biologist's day!
The Biologist is among the most qualified professionals to protect the planet from threats caused by human actions, as well as to try to minimize the effects of climate change and seek solutions for a better world, in the present and in the future. Biologists help find answers to fundamental questions about life. Seu trabalho pavimenta o […]
Analysis: Germany launches post-COVID package and prioritizes low-carbon investments
As the world continues to deal with the Covid-19 crisis and its economic and social impacts, Germany has pointed the way for the recovery process to emphasize environmental and economic concerns. The country's stimulus package, from 130 billions of euros, not just for economic recovery, but it also paves the way for a more […]
Sustainable infrastructure can be the foundation for Brazil to rebuild the post-pandemic economy
The health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is serious. The time is to take care of people, especially the most vulnerable, and support and express sympathy for those who have lost loved ones.. However, we must start planning for Brazil during and after the pandemic. in the end, economic projections indicate that we are dealing […]
"Limits of Growth", from 1973. terribly current.
When released there is almost 50 years old, some economists considered the conclusions of The Limits to Growth (The Limits to Growth, in English) as “irresponsibly absurd”, while others criticized the validity of the model the authors had used to predict energy consumption., pollution and population growth. A revisit of the report shows that we face the same challenges today. […]
Nature-based solutions can make urban infrastructures greener and more resilient
Urban infrastructure and nature – Posts Categorized, urbanization was the enemy of the environment. But the reverse is not true: nature is an important indicator of the quality of urban life. Cities must make peace with nature, for the good of people and for their own sustainability and resilience. […]
Professor of Economics defends basic sanitation as the "propelling spring" of the resumption
One day after IBGE announced that there is 18,4 millions of people without water and sewage in Brazil, the economist Monica de Bolle, pesquisadora-sênior do Peterson Institute for International Economics e professora da School for Advanced International Studies na Johns Hopkins University, defended in a meeting with CEOs of the largest companies in Brazil, what investments in infrastructure, em especial em saneamento […]