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GHG Protocol – Ciclo 2024 and the Carbon Inventory

growth limits, 1973.

In this article we will briefly talk about the training present in the Cycle 2024 from FGV – EAESP and we will give more details about Carbon Inventories, your specifications, points of attention and challenges. We will also talk about its execution principles and the classification of inventories, depending on its complexity. FGV EAESP and training in this area The Center […]

RSB Principles and Criteria V4 Part 2

The five-year review of the RSB published in 19 december 2023 brought updates of principles and criteria in accordance with Good Practices adopted by NGOs, Business, regulatory agencies and updated standards followed around the world, as defined in the scope of the document transcribed below: “A Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) is an organization […]

Principles and Criteria of the RSB Version 4

A RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials), initiative that brings together more than 130 industry leaders, environmental organizations, civil society, academic institutions and government bodies other than the UN, now set in 16/11/2023 revisions to the Principles and Criteria (P&C) from RSB version 4 (published in final version on the date of 19/12/2023). About RSB RSB […]

Unlocking Opportunities: Carbon credit market

Let's explore a crucial topic in combating climate change: the perspectives of the carbon credits market. In this article, we will provide an in-depth understanding of carbon credits and their importance in the fight against climate change. Let's explore how this market works, who are the main players, the benefits and challenges of participating […]

A Review of Bonsucro v5.2 – Part 2

In this Bonsucro v5.2 review – Part 2, Let's discuss in some detail the structure of the Bonsucro Production Standard (BPS, in its acronym in English), and some of its criteria and main indicators. Resuming, the BPS has five (5) Principles, twenty (20) criteria and sixty-nine (69) indicators. Each principle has its criteria […]

Non-Agricultural Environmental Sustainability: The Path to Greener Food

The Commitment to Sustainability in Agribusiness Brazilian agribusiness, marked by its notable growth in recent decades, faces growing demand for sustainable production, embracing the principles of ESG pillars (Environment, Social and Governance). In this text, the environmental aspect of this commitment will be addressed, leaving the topics “Social” e “Governance” for future discussions. The current […]

Circular Economy and the Transformative Potential in the Brazilian Sugar-Energy Sector

The circular economy has emerged as an urgent response to the global challenges of finite resources and environmental pollution. It seeks to minimize waste, promote reuse, recycling and rethink the entire life cycle of products. In the context of Brazil, a country that plays a crucial role in the production of biofuels, like ethanol from […]

Major updates in the Bonsucro Production Standard version 5.2

the version 5.2 of the Bonsucro Production Standard was published in July 2023 and includes a number of updates over version 5.1, released on 2022. Changes include an increased focus on biodiversity and ecosystem services, more specific requirements for water management, new requirements for the use of pesticides and […]

Sustainable Agriculture – Agricultural Crop Rotation

Sustainable agriculture is an agricultural model that aims to meet current needs for food production, fiber and energy, without compromising the ability of future generations to produce in the same way. This model aims to preserve natural resources, such as soil, water and biodiversity, in addition to ensuring food security, the Justice […]

Siltation and Impact on Water Resources – Sustainable Solutions

Siltation is a phenomenon that occurs when rivers, lakes or other bodies of water are filled with sediment and other materials that settle to the bottom. This can be caused by several reasons., like deforestation, soil erosion, construction of dams and human activities in general. Silting is a serious problem that affects the […]

Consulting Services in High Conservation Value Areas

The approach related to High Conservation Value Areas is a methodology to identify and protect the impacts of land use change. It is globally applicable across a wide range of scales, as in great landscapes, farms, plantations and small properties, in ecosystems (from forests to pastures) and productive systems. Various partner certifications […]

Updates to Principle 5 of the Bonsucro Production Standard

The last principle of the Bonsucro Production Standard to be updated is the principle 5. It is noteworthy that this is literally the last principle to be presented in the version 5.1, but in the version 4.2 the beginning would still remain 6. In both versions, the principle is “Continuously improve other key areas of activities”. The changes […]

Updates to Principle 4 of the Bonsucro Production Standard

about the principle 4 of the Bonsucro Production Standard v5.1, it can be said that the same remained similar initially, now being introduced as “Actively manage ecosystem services and biodiversity”. The criterion 4.1, which in the previous version was “to assess the impacts of sugarcane enterprises on biodiversity and ecosystem services”, now it's "Protect […]

Updates to Principle 3 of the Bonsucro Production Standard

The beginning 3 of the Bonsucro Production standard in the version 5.1 is “Manage input, production and processing efficiencies to improve sustainability”. If continued reading the most recent Pattern, it can be seen that the criterion 3.1 remained similar, consists of “monitoring the efficiency of the production and process, measure the impacts of […]

Updates to Principle 2 of the Bonsucro Production Standard

In the last post on the biO3 blog, Bonsucro Production Standard V5.1 was introduced and some changes were introduced. The intention now is to continue and explain changes that occurred in the Principle 2. On v4.2, the beginning 2 is “Respect Human Rights and Labor Standards”, and in v5.1 “Respect Labor Rights and Standards […]

Bonsucro Global Week 2022

Bonsucro is the leading global sustainability platform and standard for sugarcane, one of the most important cultures in the world. Its purpose is to collectively accelerate the production and sustainable uses of sugarcane. Between the days 17 e 20 of October, Bonsucro Global Week will take place, in the city of Ribeirao Preto, SP, counting days […]

Circular Economy in Agriculture

Circular economy in agriculture According to French scientist Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) circular economy in agriculture: “circular economy in agriculture, circular economy in agriculture, circular economy in agriculture”, circular economy in agriculture. A more sustainable production system that minimizes environmental impacts is the system […]

Understanding forestry

Forestry, science that studies natural and artificial ways of exploiting forests Silviculture is the science that studies natural and artificial ways of restoring and improving forest stand, to meet market requirements. This study can be applied to maintenance, in the use and conscientious use of forests. We can divide-the […]

Knowing the RSB standard

RSB – Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials, Simplicity recognized worldwide The acronym RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials – Roundtable on sustainable biomaterials in a free translation) is a global organization of independent multistakeholders driving the development of a circular economy on a global scale based on sustainable solutions, standard certification and […]

Webinar: New RTRS Conversion Factor System and Soy Footprint Calculator

rtrs webinar

What are soybean conversion factors and why are they important for this segment? What does the new RTRS Conversion Factor System and Soy Footprint Calculator consist of? For what purposes was it designed? In the last years, awareness of the environmental and social impacts linked to production […]

Research develops organic fertilizer from plant biomass

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference

Produced from aboveground biomass (part of the plant that sticks out of the ground) of legume species, N-green is a nitrogen-rich plant organic fertilizer (N) and easy to apply. “It has the essential nutrients for plants: match, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur; and micronutrients, like boron, ferro, manganese, molybdenum and zinc", […]

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

Created by Gotham Greens in 2015, the largest one-building rooftop farm in the world, is situated on top of a sustainable cosmetics factory, in the Pullman neighborhood, in Chicago. occupying a space of 7 thousand square meters, your annual harvest is almost 10 millions of all-organic vegetables and herbs, […]

Event in Brasilia launches new phase of program for agricultural development in the Northeast

agricultural development in the northeast

The International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture met at the beginning of the month in Brasilia with authorities and representatives of civil society to launch the Semear Internacional Program.. The program — whose official name is “Training for management based on results and continuous improvement of innovations in […]

Young people can guarantee sustainable future of agriculture

of emissions

FAO report highlights youth's potential for economic growth linked to agriculture According to the most recent report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), The World State of Agriculture and Food 2017 (SOFA, in the acronym in english) it is necessary to ensure a mechanism for young people to remain in the countryside. The current projections […]

The search for mechanisms to face climate change in agriculture

Latin America and the Caribbean are one of the richest regions in the world in natural resources. Gaskets, have 23% of land with crop potential, receive 29% of the precipitations of the planet and has seven of the 25 places in the world with the highest concentrations of endemic species. On the other hand, the region also has […]

Sustainable Agriculture: from problem to solution

of emissions

The role of a more friendly and efficient food production with the whole will be highlighted here., sustainable agriculture, and from this premise, highlight all the problems that can be resolved if we take appropriate measures to preserve all forms of life on earth. "The challenge, Nonetheless, It's simple. Some biofuels certification systems offer documents with practical guidelines for carrying out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. […]