SAF de Ethanol: Brazil's Trump Card for the Decarbonization of Air Transport

Brazilian Ethanol and the Technological Route to SAF Brazil, as the second largest ethanol producer in the world, has a unique advantage in developing sustainable aviation fuels (PURE). In 2022, the country produced 30,9 billion liters of ethanol, being 29,2 billion liters of hydrated ethanol and 1,7 billion liters […]
SAF is RSB: Two Paths to Aviation Sustainability

Aviation is an important sector of the global economy, but it is also one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases (GEE). As discussed in the previously published article, to reduce your emissions, the sector is investing in new technologies, like SAF, o Sustainable Aviation Fuel, or Sustainable Aviation Fuel. SAF is a […]
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (PURE): Towards a More Sustainable Aviation

The aviation industry faces significant challenges when it comes to environmental sustainability. Carbon emissions from flight operations have a considerable impact on the environment. In 2020, civil aviation was responsible for 2,4% of global GHG emissions. To mitigate the environmental impacts of aviation, emissions need to be reduced […]
Major updates in the Bonsucro Production Standard version 5.2 - Principles 3, 4 e 5

Continuing the work of updating the principles of the Bonsucro Production Standard, we will now present the main updates in the Principles 3, 4 e 5. Principle 3: Manage input efficiency, of production and processing to increase sustainability Updates and requirements reflect growing awareness of the need to act on […]
Major updates in the Bonsucro Production Standard version 5.2

the version 5.2 of the Bonsucro Production Standard was published in July 2023 and includes a number of updates over version 5.1, released on 2022. Changes include an increased focus on biodiversity and ecosystem services, more specific requirements for water management, new requirements for the use of pesticides and […]
Better Biomass Recognition – RED II - European Biofuels Directive

biomass – Concept Biomass is a renewable energy source that plays a significant role in the current energy scenario due to its importance and the impacts it presents. Biomass consists of organic matter, as agricultural waste, forest and animal origin, that can be turned into solid biofuels, liquid or gaseous for […]
CCB Program Biodiversity Indicators and Criteria

The topic of biodiversity addressed in the CCB Standards Version 3.1, is the last of the three pillars of the sustainable development approach, alongside climate and community issues. The document establishes criteria and indicators for assessing biodiversity in development projects and provides guidelines for its conservation and responsible management.. B1. BIODIVERSITY IN […]
CCB Program Climate Indicators and Criteria

The third version of the CCB standards was published in 2017 and included a number of updates to ensure development approaches are socially fair, environmentally competitive and economically viable. the version 3.1, in turn, brings minor adjustments to the criteria compared to the previous version, seeking to make the standards even more accurate and […]
Consulting Services and Social and Environmental Certifications / I RED

biO3 is a consulting company that was born with the objective of offering solutions in the environment and sustainability guided by science and innovation, aiming to contribute to sustainable development and positively impact society. We operate in different areas, one of them being socio-environmental certifications. Certifications are tools to communicate to stakeholders that the organization […]
ISCC certification

The biomass used for the production of biofuels must be produced sustainably. This means that the production of biomass/biofuels must follow the best environmental practices, social and economic. Areas that have high biodiversity value or rich in carbon, that serve to protect endangered or vulnerable species, or that are of importance […]
Updates to Principle 5 of the Bonsucro Production Standard

The last principle of the Bonsucro Production Standard to be updated is the principle 5. It is noteworthy that this is literally the last principle to be presented in the version 5.1, but in the version 4.2 the beginning would still remain 6. In both versions, the principle is “Continuously improve other key areas of activities”. The changes […]
Updates to Principle 4 of the Bonsucro Production Standard

about the principle 4 of the Bonsucro Production Standard v5.1, it can be said that the same remained similar initially, now being introduced as “Actively manage ecosystem services and biodiversity”. The criterion 4.1, which in the previous version was “to assess the impacts of sugarcane enterprises on biodiversity and ecosystem services”, now it's "Protect […]
Updates to Principle 3 of the Bonsucro Production Standard

The beginning 3 of the Bonsucro Production standard in the version 5.1 is “Manage input, production and processing efficiencies to improve sustainability”. If continued reading the most recent Pattern, it can be seen that the criterion 3.1 remained similar, consists of “monitoring the efficiency of the production and process, measure the impacts of […]
Bonsucro Global Week 2022

Bonsucro is the leading global sustainability platform and standard for sugarcane, one of the most important cultures in the world. Its purpose is to collectively accelerate the production and sustainable uses of sugarcane. Between the days 17 e 20 of October, Bonsucro Global Week will take place, in the city of Ribeirao Preto, SP, counting days […]
Knowing more about Green Bonds

Investing in a green and sustainable way with Green Bonds If you are a regular reader of the BiO3 consultancy blog or are a person/company that is aware of the news both in the agro market and in investments in the financial market, you have already heard about the “Green Bounds”. Otherwise, get ready to become! In […]
Understanding forestry

Forestry, science that studies natural and artificial ways of exploiting forests Silviculture is the science that studies natural and artificial ways of restoring and improving forest stand, to meet market requirements. This study can be applied to maintenance, in the use and conscientious use of forests. We can divide-the […]
How conscious consumption increased the demand for certified products

When it comes to the topic of conscious consumer relations, there is growing concern about the path taken by the product to the final consumer, the sources of raw material used, the forms of work used, among other concerns. The consumer has acquired the new role of questioning and investigating producers and companies. Estes, in turn, buscam formas […]
Biofuels Certification: social requirements

Social criteria are key components in sustainability certifications. The focus and level of demand in relation to social requirements varies widely between certification systems.. Nonetheless, the goal is one: for a biofuel production to be sustainable, she must be socially beneficial. Most standards have in common […]
environmental certification: why suit and what are its benefits

Why adapt to environmental standards? Organizations of all types are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating correct environmental performance, controlling the impact of your activities, products or services in the environment, taking into account policies and objectives defined by environmental certification bodies. This behavior is inserted in the context of […]
Bonsucro is already the most used certification to prove the sustainability of the sugarcane industry

Bonsucro (ou Better Sugarcane Initiative, Click here to learn more) is a global certification launched in July 2011 which assesses the sustainability of products made from sugarcane, is currently the most used certification model in Brazil, with 20 sugarcane companies and more than 437 thousand hectares (he has) of guaranteed sugarcane, O […]
ISO 14001: What are the updates to the standard?

At ISO 14001 is a standard that defines the requirements to implement an environmental management system, helping companies to achieve long-term success by managing their environmental aspects and impacts and creating alternatives to contribute to sustainable development.. Key objectives of an ISO environmental management system 14001:15 Definir uma estrutura para […]
ISO 9001: what changes in the version 2015?

At ISO 9001 is a standard that defines the requirements to implement a quality management system helping companies to increase their effectiveness to achieve the intended results and focuses on customer satisfaction. Key objectives for the new version of the standard – ISO 9001:2015 Provide stable core requirements for the next […]
Brazilian seal indicates carbon and water footprint in the production chain

It is a great satisfaction to report that a Brazilian product certified by the standard/seal will have more competitive advantages and less environmental impact.. This is the objective of the new national certification. Ele permitirá que as empresas brasileiras garantam aos consumidores que seus produtos são feitos dentro dos padrões da sustentabilidade. The certification system, operado pela Associação Brasileira de Normas […]
Advice for Bonsucro certification

Advisory for certification biO3 environment and sustainability hereby informs that it participated in the advisory for certification of Biosev in the Bonsucro Standard at the Santa Elisa Unit, sugar and alcohol plant located in the city of Sertãozinho, interior of São Paulo. The expectation is that the partnership will continue for the next projects. Bonsucro certification Bonsucro certification […]