Human rights & Value Chain in the Sugar-Energy Sector

This last week, biO3 had the opportunity to hold an event promoted by BonSucro: “Human Rights Training – UN Guiding Principles”. Our director André Araújo opened the event so that speakers Victoriana Gonzaga and Juliana Prado could present their work to the companies that were included in this current cycle of lectures. In this article we will play […]
Bonsucro and RenovaBio Integration – The Plants

Before the PL 3149/2020 always in parallel with negotiations between producers and mill owners regarding CBios division issues and also the Technical Cooperation Agreement to develop an integrated procedure for Bonsucro and RenovaBio certifications, it becomes urgent for plant owners to explore what the advantages may be arising from the combination of the two certifications. In this […]
Bonsucro and RenovaBio, Producers Unite

In day 07/05 last, a ANP, within the scope of the RenovaBio program, signed a technical cooperation agreement with Bonsucro, global non-profit organization, which aims to promote sustainable sugar cane. In the extract, the agreement will last for 36 months. This agreement, aims to exchange experiences and knowledge about certifications, join efforts to […]
A Review of BonSucro V5.2 – Final Part

In this BonSucro V5.2 Review, we highlight some of the principles of the main indicators that the company must comply with to obtain Bonsucro certification: Statement two 37 (thirty seven) Essential Indicators: 1.1.1 The operator develops and implements a Sustainability Management Plan to comply with the Bonsucro Production Standard. 1.2.1 The operator maps the parts […]
A Review of Bonsucro v5.2 – Part 2

In this Bonsucro v5.2 review – Part 2, Let's discuss in some detail the structure of the Bonsucro Production Standard (BPS, in its acronym in English), and some of its criteria and main indicators. Resuming, the BPS has five (5) Principles, twenty (20) criteria and sixty-nine (69) indicators. Each principle has its criteria […]
The role of biO3 in relation to SAF and other Biomaterials and Biofuels

The fuel of the future Sustainable Aviation Fuel (PURE) is gaining prominence in global aviation as a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Certifications and regulations, as RSB CORSIA, ISCC CORSIA and o “Aviation ReFuelEU”, are crucial to ensuring responsible production and increasing demand for SAF. Brazil, What […]
Major updates in the Bonsucro Production Standard version 5.2 - Principles 3, 4 e 5

Continuing the work of updating the principles of the Bonsucro Production Standard, we will now present the main updates in the Principles 3, 4 e 5. Principle 3: Manage input efficiency, of production and processing to increase sustainability Updates and requirements reflect growing awareness of the need to act on […]
Major updates in the Bonsucro Production Standard version 5.2

the version 5.2 of the Bonsucro Production Standard was published in July 2023 and includes a number of updates over version 5.1, released on 2022. Changes include an increased focus on biodiversity and ecosystem services, more specific requirements for water management, new requirements for the use of pesticides and […]
EU RED II and Socio-environmental Certifications

Some environmental certification standards comply with the European Directive and are adapting to the new certification approach for Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO). Some of the standards that can be cited are Bonsucro, ISCC, RSPO and RSB, that including, with the exception of RSPO, were discussed previously on the biO3 blog in exclusive texts, […]
Bonsucro Production Standard Updates

In the month of March 2022, the Bonsucro certification system provided training on the technical parameters of the Bonsucro Production standard version 5.1 of your publication. Bonsucro understands that learning and development are fundamental for an organization to develop in terms of sustainability / ESG. Thus, Bonsucro encourages […]
Bonsucro Production Standard updates

Starting with the introduction Recently, in the month of March 2022, the Bonsucro certification system provided training on the technical parameters of the Bonsucro Production standard version 5.1 of your publication. Bonsucro understands that learning and development are fundamental to a learning organization. That way, Bonsucro encourages its members, […]
Amyris is the first biotech to receive Chain of Custody Certification

We are pleased to announce our successful collaboration with Amyris on their Bonsucro Chain of Custody Certification project. We congratulate the company for being the first and only biotechnology company to receive the seal.
Public consultation for the Bonsucro Production Standard is open

Bonsucro is a worldwide non-profit organization, formed by a team of multi-stakeholders and aims to reduce the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane production, also taking into account the need for economic viability. For a product or process to be linked to Bonsucro, it must be certified by an organization […]
Bonsucro certification is already present in 43 Brazilian plants

amyris receives bonsucro certification 56 sugarcane and derived products producing units that have Bonsucro certification, 43 they are in brazilian lands, the data are from the second half of 2016. Result that reflects the concern of national businessmen to commit to productions with low environmental impact. From 2011 that the number of certifications in […]
Bonsucro is already the most used certification to prove the sustainability of the sugarcane industry

Bonsucro (ou Better Sugarcane Initiative, Click here to learn more) is a global certification launched in July 2011 which assesses the sustainability of products made from sugarcane, is currently the most used certification model in Brazil, with 20 sugarcane companies and more than 437 thousand hectares (he has) of guaranteed sugarcane, O […]
Bonsucro Certification, meet one of the sustainability standards most used by the biomass sector

The global market for biofuels Bonsucro certification has emerged as a solution to environmental problems that have been present in people's daily lives for a long time, especially as a result of the unbridled pursuit of growth, based on technological development that facilitates the appropriation and transformation of environmental goods into means of production. From […]
Advice for Bonsucro certification

Advisory for certification biO3 environment and sustainability hereby informs that it participated in the advisory for certification of Biosev in the Bonsucro Standard at the Santa Elisa Unit, sugar and alcohol plant located in the city of Sertãozinho, interior of São Paulo. The expectation is that the partnership will continue for the next projects. Bonsucro certification Bonsucro certification […]