Petrobras and UNDP sign an agreement to promote sustainable development in 110 counties

Acting in the expansion of local capacities and stimulating sustainable territorial development in 110 municipalities where Petrobras is present are the objectives of the agreement signed between the company and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) municipalities where Petrobras is present are the objectives of the agreement signed between the company and the (25), in Brasilia (DF). Signed on the three-year anniversary of the approval of the Agenda 2030 e […]
Thank you is the first coconut company in the world to become B Corp

Thanks, Bahian brand of water and coconut-based products, has just received the B Corp certification and becomes part of the global network of companies and organizations that combine economic growth with the promotion of social and environmental well-being. Entre os principais fatores que levaram a companhia a obter este reconhecimento é […]
UNDP and Repsol sign global agreement to promote sustainable development

Spanish energy company Repsol and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed a global cooperation agreement that will facilitate the advancement of sustainable development in more than 20 countries where both organizations operate. This is the first global agreement between the UNDP and a company in the oil and gas sector. […]
PROCEL 3E: Designing Energy Efficient Buildings

Some policies and initiatives have emerged in recent years to ensure that the country achieves its sustainability goals.. The Procel Seal for Efficient Buildings is one of them. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if a building didn't need energy? Want to know how to integrate energy efficiency into your architectural design? The Procel Seal for Buildings, […]
solar water heating: how the PROCEL seal can help you?

Generally, energy is one of the most popular resources. And life without or almost without energy use is practically impossible these days.. Responsible for ensuring more comfort inside our homes, hot water is also a major burden on the consumer's energy bill.. Thus, save energy in homes […]
Forum calls for sustainable business and accelerated development

The third SDG Business Forum brought together business leaders, governments, sociedade civil e das Nações Unidas este mês na sede da ONU em Nova Iorque para estabelecer estratégias para atingir os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) until 2030. O evento integrou a agenda do Fórum Político de Alto Nível das Nações Unidas — o encontro anual […]
UN Global Compact launches report on local networks initiatives

The UN Global Compact released this week (18) a document that compiles the actions developed by local networks around the world for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS). Rede Brasil was featured in sessions on SDG strategies, anti-corruption and forced labor eradication programs. The publication “Accelerating the national implementation of the […]
Ministry of Industry officially joins the Brazil Network of the Global Compact

The Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (Doctor) is the first Brazilian federal agency to commit to the Global Compact to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) United Nations. At an event on Wednesday (20) Minister Marcos Jorge de Lima made official the portfolio's adhesion to the Rede Brasil do Pacto […]
Greatest difficulty for recycling in Brazil is misinformation, reveal research

According to a study by IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research) released last year, only 13% of all urban solid waste in Brazil is correctly disposed of for recycling. Among the reasons that make it difficult to reverse this scenario, draws attention that one of the main obstacles is the lack of information from the […]
Global Compact launches publications for Brazilian companies to meet UN targets and fight corruption

In Sao Paulo, the Global Compact Network Brazil launched on the last day 16, a guide to guide companies to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In a forum that gathered about 400 private sector representatives, the initiative also released publications on the fight against corruption and on the engagement of the electricity sector in […]
her 16 banks prepare first guide on climate change for the financial sector

Sixteen banks from four continents, among them the Brazilians Itaú Unibanco and Bradesco, joined the UN Environment Finance Initiative in developing a methodology designed to increase financial institutions' understanding of the impact of climate change and climate action on their businesses. This understanding is fundamental to allow […]
Companies ask for regulatory framework for water involving governments, private sector and civil society

The creation of a Brazilian regulatory framework for water involving governments, private sector and civil society is the main recommendation of the final report of the Water Business Day, which condenses the discussions of the event held in March (18) during the activities of the World Water Forum, in Brasilia (DF). The document argues that the legal scope […]
IUCN: The importance of biodiversity for business

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN, acronym in english) is the world's oldest and largest global environmental organization, and brings the conservation of biodiversity as its central mission, showing how fundamental this theme is to address some of the biggest challenges facing the world today, like climate change, the quest for development […]
Equator Principles: a financial management tool for sustainable projects

The Equator Principles contain a voluntary credit risk management framework and a set of guidelines for assessing environmental and social risks in project financial management activities. More because this demand? During practically all human history the problem of scarcity was solved through the exploration of the environment, […]
environmental certification: why suit and what are its benefits

Why adapt to environmental standards? Organizations of all types are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating correct environmental performance, controlling the impact of your activities, products or services in the environment, taking into account policies and objectives defined by environmental certification bodies. This behavior is inserted in the context of […]
Meet the new ones 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals must be implemented by all countries in the world during the next 15 years old, until 2030 More of 150 world leaders gathered at UN headquarters, in New York, to formally adopt a new sustainable development agenda. Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (or ODS), that […]
Five years after Rio+20, industry takes stock of sustainable actions

According to the Director of Institutional Relations at CNI, a indústria está comprometida com o desenvolvimento sustentável Quais foram os avanços da indústria brasileira na área da sustentabilidade desde 2012, quando foi realizada a Rio+20? To answer this question, a CNI (National Confederation of Industry) will hold this wednesday, 4 of October, in Brasilia, one […]
Sustainability in Business Strategy x Ecosystems

This text presents a brief reflection on the correlation of articles: “Strategy & Society” (Porter; Kramer, 2006), “Shared Value” (Porter; Kramer, 2011), "Creating Sustainable Value" (Hart; Milstein, 2004), “The Path to Corporate Responsability” (Zadeck, 2014) e “How to Become a Sustainable Company” (Eccles; Perkins; Serafeim, 2012) e o conceito de ecossistemas “Strategy & Society” Qual […]
Let's take chemicals seriously, our lives depend on it

In an article published in the Swiss press, the director of the UN Environment Law Division, Elizabeth Mrema, warns of inadequate management of chemicals, including substances present in e-waste. Until 13 millions of people die each year from pollution and environmental degradation, including about 190 thousand […]
As per ISO standards 9001 e 14001 can help with risk management?

Modern society lives surrounded by risks and, in this way, It's up to us to manage these risks. However, what changes is our way of acting towards it, make risk an opportunity to grow. eco-efficiency, the rise of the market, or even its maintenance, is a function of corporate sustainability, and the management of […]
Activated charcoal from sugarcane bagasse, an option for reducing air pollutants

What is activated carbon? Activated carbon is known as a very effective adsorbent., its high porosity and, consequently, its high surface area, make its properties ideal for retaining atmospheric organic particles. Can be prepared from a numerous variety of raw materials.. Generally plentiful and cheap, with high […]
Integrated Vegetation Management: responsibility and protection in transmission lines

Integrated Vegetation Management (or MIV) is an efficient and sustainable solution for the management of vegetation under transmission lines that includes the application of herbicides. Among the direct impacts caused by the installation of electrical networks on vegetation and soil, the fragmentation of forest stretches stands out., os efeitos de […]
Simulation of energy efficient buildings

The simulation of energy-efficient buildings comes from a much more general issue. The demand for energy per capita worldwide is growing, and it's becoming worrying. On the other hand is the development of alternative energy sources. One way to avoid a major impact on the environment is to diversify the energy matrix, with special attention […]
PBE Building: The National Energy Conservation Label

The PBE Edifica labeling is a Brazilian seal of conformity that demonstrates compliance with performance requirements established in technical standards and regulations. The Brazilian Labeling Program emerged in 1984, with the idea of formulating a national quality and efficiency label. It was when Inmetro started with society the discussion […]
Efficiency in air conditioning in buildings

Air conditioning devices need a lot of energy, partly by automatic command. In large-scale buildings, become the main energy demander. In most companies, energy is a high cost factor., totaling approximately 30% of the additional costs, it may vary between different industrial branches. An air conditioner uses more […]
Energy efficiency in building lighting

Lighting consumes a lot of energy in commercial buildings. Near 20% of the total energy of the commercial building is consumed by lighting. Lighting is the first consumer of electricity, since it consumes up to 40% of electricity. PROCEL 3E – Lighting Regarding lighting, PROCEL is even more dynamic, and following […]
Energy efficiency in building envelopes

The wrap protects the interior of the building. Inefficient buildings are hot in summer and cold in winter. That is why, the efficiency treated goes beyond the reduction in energy costs. Given the territorial extension of Brazil, with different climatic realities, distinct strategies must be analyzed. And that's what the label reflects. The principles of […]
Energy efficiency in buildings: know the PROCEL seal

The Ministry of Environment released, in may of this year, a series of videos that address energy efficiency in buildings. On them, the ministry introduces the principles of the national seal, your importance, the challenges for the market and the results that are expected from the initiative. O ENCE (acronym for National Label for Conservation of […]
The European Union, the policy and standards

The European Union The European Union is a unique economic and political union, constituted by 28 European countries that, together, cover a large part of the European continent. The EU was created right after World War II. The initial intention was to encourage economic cooperation, assuming that if countries had […]