To Australia, Tesla's giant battery has already yielded $1 million

On December 1st, 2017, Tesla's 100MV battery system came into service in South Australia after being built in just 100 days, at the request of Elon Musk himself. The battery has already proven to be useful. In day 14 from December, a coal-fired thermoelectric plant underwent a […]
RenovaBio will link CBios to sustainability in land use

When it comes to reducing greenhouse gases (GEE) for biofuels, the risk of increased deforestation is among the main concerns at the national and international level. Renovabio In the middle of the years 2000, when the first international policies for the production of biofuels began to be developed, there was a great mobilization in the community […]
Costa Rica only generated renewable energy in 300 consecutive days

Those who follow news about sustainability may not even be surprised. But, it is exemplary that Costa Rica stands out in Latin America as the leading country in the production of renewable energy. coming to the end of 2017, have been more than 300 consecutive days using only "clean" fonts. And it's not the first time that […]
Biofuels Certification: social requirements

Social criteria are key components in sustainability certifications. The focus and level of demand in relation to social requirements varies widely between certification systems.. Nonetheless, the goal is one: for a biofuel production to be sustainable, she must be socially beneficial. Most standards have in common […]
environmental certification: why suit and what are its benefits

Why adapt to environmental standards? Organizations of all types are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating correct environmental performance, controlling the impact of your activities, products or services in the environment, taking into account policies and objectives defined by environmental certification bodies. This behavior is inserted in the context of […]
Biofuels Certification: Legal requirements

Compliance with legal requirements is one of the principles present in all sustainability standards for biofuels and, certainly, one of the most demanding efforts by organizations seeking certification. Considering Brazilian legislation, There are numerous relevant laws applicable to agricultural areas and industrial units producing […]
wind energy: one of the most promising sources of energy

Wind is the short-scale flow of gases. In the land, corresponds to air displacement, which migrates from regions of high atmospheric pressure to points where this pressure is lower. In addition to facilitating the dispersion of pollutants, it is abundant and infinite. And then there's a great opportunity: the wind energy. We are currently faced with challenges such as reducing high emissions of […]
Meet the new ones 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals must be implemented by all countries in the world during the next 15 years old, until 2030 More of 150 world leaders gathered at UN headquarters, in New York, to formally adopt a new sustainable development agenda. Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (or ODS), that […]
The cost of solar energy has fallen by more than 25% in a year

Comparative data show that there was a reduction in the cost of solar energy in 30%, getting the US to meet cost targets before 2020 The clean energy revolution continues and solar is leading the way. In a recently published report, the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratories have documented […]
Video: learn a little more about biodiesel production

Biodiesel production in the country has been fluctuating in recent years. The soybean crop of the year determines the amount of soybean oil available for production. Now, the Brazilian government hopes to announce by the end of this year, the anticipation, for march of next year, Do increase the mixture of biodiesel not diesel, From […]
Energy Matrix: Brazilian panorama in the biofuels sector and the Paris Agreement

According to Embrapa, the country will need more than biodiesel and ethanol to have 18% from the energy matrix to 2030 Brazil will need more than biodiesel and ethanol to have 18% from the energy matrix based on biofuels to 2030, how it committed to the Paris Agreement. Analyzes made by Embrapa […]
Biodiesel: how is it produced, Brazilian history and its market advantages

Biodiesel is a biodegradable fuel derived from renewable sources such as vegetable oils and animal fats. to produce it, the oil taken from the plants is mixed with alcohol, or methanol, and then stimulated by a catalyst. Then the oil is separated from the glycerin, used in soap making, and later filtered. There are different species of oilseeds […]
biomass: the third most used energy source in Brazil

Biomass is a clean and renewable energy source. in your definition, biomass for energy generation is not accounted for traditional fossil fuels, these sources are the result of several transformations that require millions of years to happen., although they are also derived from plant or animal life.. All organisms capable of photosynthesis, Where […]
Brazilian ethanol: reason for success

Ethanol is part of the group of biofuels that are derived from renewable biomass, that emerged from the need to diversify energy sources, as a result of the heavy dependence on fuels derived from oil and natural gas. And there are more than 80 years of presence in the Brazilian market. The history of Brazilian ethanol […]
Bonsucro certification is already present in 43 Brazilian plants

amyris receives bonsucro certification 56 sugarcane and derived products producing units that have Bonsucro certification, 43 they are in brazilian lands, the data are from the second half of 2016. Result that reflects the concern of national businessmen to commit to productions with low environmental impact. From 2011 that the number of certifications in […]
ISO 50001 – The Benefits of Efficient Energy Management

ISO 50001 At ISO 50001 is an international standard aimed at implementing an efficient management system, establishing guidelines and guides for its implementation. Its main objective is the implementation, maintenance, review and improvement of an energy management system, resulting in a reduction in total energy consumption and, in consequence, yours […]
Photovoltaic panels can be purchased with 60% discount in SC

Home photovoltaic panels, an Energy Efficiency Program After the success of the efficient bonus project, an incentive program, that replaced more than 70 thousand old appliances for new and more efficient models with 50% discount from market price. Celesc (Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina S.A.) launches the photovoltaic bonus project, what will follow […]
Bonsucro is already the most used certification to prove the sustainability of the sugarcane industry

Bonsucro (ou Better Sugarcane Initiative, Click here to learn more) is a global certification launched in July 2011 which assesses the sustainability of products made from sugarcane, is currently the most used certification model in Brazil, with 20 sugarcane companies and more than 437 thousand hectares (he has) of guaranteed sugarcane, O […]
Simulation of energy efficient buildings

The simulation of energy-efficient buildings comes from a much more general issue. The demand for energy per capita worldwide is growing, and it's becoming worrying. On the other hand is the development of alternative energy sources. One way to avoid a major impact on the environment is to diversify the energy matrix, with special attention […]
PBE Building: The National Energy Conservation Label

The PBE Edifica labeling is a Brazilian seal of conformity that demonstrates compliance with performance requirements established in technical standards and regulations. The Brazilian Labeling Program emerged in 1984, with the idea of formulating a national quality and efficiency label. It was when Inmetro started with society the discussion […]
Efficiency in air conditioning in buildings

Air conditioning devices need a lot of energy, partly by automatic command. In large-scale buildings, become the main energy demander. In most companies, energy is a high cost factor., totaling approximately 30% of the additional costs, it may vary between different industrial branches. An air conditioner uses more […]
Energy efficiency in building lighting

Lighting consumes a lot of energy in commercial buildings. Near 20% of the total energy of the commercial building is consumed by lighting. Lighting is the first consumer of electricity, since it consumes up to 40% of electricity. PROCEL 3E – Lighting Regarding lighting, PROCEL is even more dynamic, and following […]
Energy efficiency in building envelopes

The wrap protects the interior of the building. Inefficient buildings are hot in summer and cold in winter. That is why, the efficiency treated goes beyond the reduction in energy costs. Given the territorial extension of Brazil, with different climatic realities, distinct strategies must be analyzed. And that's what the label reflects. The principles of […]
Energy efficiency in buildings: know the PROCEL seal

The Ministry of Environment released, in may of this year, a series of videos that address energy efficiency in buildings. On them, the ministry introduces the principles of the national seal, your importance, the challenges for the market and the results that are expected from the initiative. O ENCE (acronym for National Label for Conservation of […]
Discover some solar-powered technologies

Technologies in the use of solar energy and its benefits Technologies in solar energy are in great ascendancy in Brazil. Some will say that by stride. There are several economic and environmental benefits that are helping to drive the growth of this renewable energy source.. From an economic point of view, using a home as a reference, […]
Bonsucro Certification, meet one of the sustainability standards most used by the biomass sector

The global market for biofuels Bonsucro certification has emerged as a solution to environmental problems that have been present in people's daily lives for a long time, especially as a result of the unbridled pursuit of growth, based on technological development that facilitates the appropriation and transformation of environmental goods into means of production. From […]
The European Union, the policy and standards

The European Union The European Union is a unique economic and political union, constituted by 28 European countries that, together, cover a large part of the European continent. The EU was created right after World War II. The initial intention was to encourage economic cooperation, assuming that if countries had […]
Unicamp promotes a workshop on quality management in the sugar-energy sector

Defining quality To understand about the subject, it is necessary to know the meaning of your term. The word comes from the Latin 'qualitate'. The main authors on the subject, like Deming, Crosby, Juran e Feigenbaun, sought to define it according to a series of principles, which must be suitable for the implementation of quality in organizations. A […]
Renewable energy battery is inspired by vitamins
Flow Battery Harvard University Researchers, In the USA, identified a new class of high-performance organic molecules, inspired by vitamin B2, that can store electricity from intermittent power sources, like solar and wind energy, in a big flux batteries. Flow batteries store energy in chemical solutions that can […]
ISO 14001: What are the updates to the standard?

At ISO 14001 is a standard that defines the requirements to implement an environmental management system, helping companies to achieve long-term success by managing their environmental aspects and impacts and creating alternatives to contribute to sustainable development.. Key objectives of an ISO environmental management system 14001:15 Definir uma estrutura para […]